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Community Rating: 4.312 / 5  (40 votes)
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Better in decks with green ramp or mana dorks, but you can also use the Urborg/Coffers trick or artifact mana doublers to crank this out without a large investment.
Posted By: Earthdawn (6/13/2013 7:22:22 AM)


*** YES
Posted By: LordOfTheFlies87 (8/14/2013 5:52:26 PM)


This would be astounding as an instant. Also SO. MUCH. CARD ADVANTAGE.
Posted By: tcollins (1/14/2014 3:06:48 PM)


Here is how these spells with both "targeting effects and non-targeting effects" and spells with "multiple targets" work.
Ashes to Ashes is a good example. The targets need to be chosen before you can cast it. Ashes to Ashes needs to target two non-artifact creatures, exile them, then damage you for five. If both of those targeted creatures disappear before Ashes to Ashes resolves, Ashes to Ashes fizzles and you do not take five damage. If both creatures are there and legal upon resolution, the spell carries out as normal. If only one of the targets are there, you still exile the other and take five damage. A spell with multiple targets needs at least one of its' targets to remain legal for it to resolve. Doesn't matter if you dumped ten mana into this and someone killed a target of yours- you still resolve it with the remaining four targets and draw five cards. If you dump ten mana into this and they sac all five targets, the spell fizzles.
Posted By: MacBizzle (1/22/2014 9:31:20 PM)


Helloooo, Battlefield Thaumaturge!
Posted By: MostlyLost (4/17/2014 6:37:31 PM)


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