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The Enchantment type shouldn't be classed as a weakness, it's as much an advantage as a vulnerability. But this should have costed 2WW. Having the Enchantment type can't really justify a creature costing more or less then it would without the Enchantment type.
Posted By: A3Kitsune (3/22/2010 4:42:33 PM)


Comically bad compared to Celestial Archon
Posted By: The_Sensei (4/18/2014 4:51:09 AM)


If you ask me the enchantment type should be a weakness and make it cost only 4, I don't think it's worth the possible combos, there's better enchantments to run if you can tutor enchantments and there are cheaper ones for enchantress.
Posted By: Gilgiga (9/24/2009 7:20:17 PM)


Run with Replenish. I love the mechanics on these futureshift cards, but I hate the borders with a pasion.
Posted By: mrredhatter (10/4/2009 7:09:50 AM)


rainbow happy lsd pony!
Posted By: frommerman (10/29/2010 5:55:11 PM)


Only major use I can see for this is as another way to get more card types into the graveyard for use as Tarmogoyf fodder. Same can be said for Dryad Arbor.
Posted By: lukemol (1/8/2010 3:15:26 PM)


I don't care if this card is good or not. The art is amazing! I MUST HAVE it FOIL. Then I will play it automatically. XD
Posted By: C4rl0wn463 (6/21/2010 3:00:28 PM)


It's 3WhiteWhite because it's a freaking common people, stop trying to make it an uncommon or rare.

This card is great for sticking on Semblance Anvil in a heavy enchantment deck. In EDH, I usually tutor for it when I draw the Anvil, then stick them together and get Enchantments AND creatures for 2 cheaper.

If you're hard casting this, and using it as a swinger, UR DOIN' IT WRONG. There are far more other ways of using this guy effectively.
Posted By: endersblade (7/23/2011 11:02:21 AM)


The only possible way to improve this rainbow unicorn would have been to make it an artifact creature (aka robot). Then it would truly have been a flawless victory and such monumentous achievement by R&D that could have never been surpassed.
Posted By: Zenzei (10/27/2010 3:12:46 PM)


This creature, unfortunately, doesn't fit Theros, as it's a rather "vanilla" enchantment creature, compared to the ones released in Theros, and it referencens a sun goddess, rather than the sun god of Theros. But I want to say, I actually wanted the setting where this creature is from to have been the first enchantment set. You may disagree with me, but I don't think a Greek Mythology inspired setting screams "enchantment theme!". The design of this creature, and its origin story, are much more interesting to me than those more or less "normal" creatures in Theros that have just been infected by "Nyx", whatever the hell that is.

I, personally, would prefer it if they release a second Enchantment block some time in the future, where not just a few creatures and other permanents are enchantments, but almost all of them, and where "french vanilla" enchantment creatures, such as poor old Lucent Liminid, will finally find a ho... (see all)
Posted By: Tiggurix (9/20/2013 5:52:46 AM)


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