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Very usefull with a Tolarian Academy and artifact deck.
Posted By: PolarisDeNexum (3/1/2010 4:11:06 AM)


Ga ha ha ha ha! NO MANA BURN NOW!!! YES!!! This can now be used to it's TRUE potential, allowing an over-surplus amount of mana WITH NO RISKS!

Large-cost cards have a friend in the Mana Business.

Progenitus, Door to Nothingness, FIREBALL, etc. Oooh... the love has only started... (Even if I'm saying this a bit late, relatively. ^_^; )
Posted By: JarieSuicune (3/8/2010 1:58:12 PM)


I see this card working really well with Upwelling and Omnath, Locus of Mana . With mana pools that never empty, you could end up with tons of mana really fast.
Posted By: hunted_front (3/31/2010 10:51:17 PM)


Doubling Cube has great utility in a mana acceleration deck as well as within its own set. The doubling can be used for the obvious burn spells like Death Grasp or Fireball but it also has some pretty fun uses with a Composite Golem and a Door to Nothingness. It becomes a turn 7 or so win if you've avoided removal or complications. Another fun thing to do is pair it with untap cards to quadruple your mana pool.
Posted By: Nagazel (6/3/2010 12:38:22 AM)


For anyone who doesn't want to think, the absolute cutoff point, not considering color of mana, is 6 mana in your pool. If you have 6 mana and one Cube, you're breaking even. If you have 7 mana, you're making a profit by doubling 4 remaining mana after activating the Cube. So remember, people, if you can somehow produce 7 mana and you have one Cube in play, you're doing well.

Now go out and find the combos that work with this (Voltaic Key, Cabal Coffers, Tolarian Academy, Urzatron, etc.).
Posted By: nammertime (7/1/2010 2:32:18 PM)


Voltaic Construct

An expensive combo, yes, but you get unlimited mana.
Posted By: Zoah (7/3/2010 8:23:54 PM)


It's not great, but it's a silly little combo with filigree sages. Two card combo>three card combo
Posted By: channelblaze (9/26/2010 1:45:06 PM)


i love this card it allows you to cast big mana spells early in the game allso you can cast multiple large spells once i got 35 mana in one turn this card is amazing put all four in if you can
Posted By: sorin688 (3/18/2011 8:10:08 PM)


Am I the only one that sees a combo on this with Joiner Adept and Vorinclex, Voice of Hunger? No? Good. Those three (and a few Arbor Elf cards thrown in for kicks) combine for a shortest time of turn four = 12 mana WITHOUT Arbor Elf activations. Then use 3 of that to double it. Find some way to untap this after that. Even better: Using Arbor Elf * 4. Um, let's see... Turn four... Four forests, four able to untap. 12 mana usable. To Arms! Tap four forests, four able to untap. 22 mana.... Use 3 for this... 38 mana.... Untap this.... 70 mana.... Fireball, anyone? :D
Posted By: mrhardy12 (6/5/2011 8:12:41 PM)


To 001010011100101110:

And then before combat damage is dealt, opponent discards 2x Elvish Spirit Guides and casts Respite and both you and opponent are sitting there and counting and counting and counting ... and counting happily ever after. :-)
Posted By: spirit_of_blue (10/2/2011 5:11:51 AM)


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