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Konda you are a douchebag.
Posted By: DoragonShinzui (3/20/2014 2:15:44 PM)


Wonderful in combination with Cho-Manno, Revolutionary or Stuffy Doll.

Anyone that know how it works when several Pariah are in play under the same player's control?
Posted By: Kokirin (4/19/2009 1:26:47 PM)


The obvious combo is Stuffy Doll. Doesn't even require any thought, which kinda irks me. Least I can still Oblivion Ring the resulting abomination. So long as you don't have two Greater Auramancies out, in which case I'd have to resort to my backup strategy of strangling you.
Posted By: Aburaishi (11/27/2010 9:48:09 PM)


If you have multiple pariahs out simultaneously, you choose which one to direct the damage to.
Posted By: ScissorsLizard (5/19/2009 7:02:52 PM)


Use it on an opponent's creature, along with Ragged Veins. That's just a lot of fun, especially if their creature is hard to kill.
Posted By: Piechart (7/7/2009 4:09:51 PM)


Swans of Bryn Argoll.
Posted By: Blackworm_Bloodworm (10/16/2010 5:31:54 PM)


I have to say that this is easily one of my favorite White control cards. I know a lot of people are using Oblivion Ring or Path to Exile but, this is so much more fun to play. I can be used as creature distruction on your opponents creatures and keeping you alive for a turn. Yeah you can Naturalize it but you can do that with O-Ring as well. There are just too many combos in Extended and Vintage with this, that it seems almost broken. And it works as a Planeswalker protector 'cause if you have this out and say Elspeth, if your opponent damages you to try and kill her, they no longer have priority to choose to damage your planeswalker. Just love it!!!!!

Oh and if there is an indestructible creature on the board...... just pariah it and you will have your opponents sweating the rest of the game....... almost makes you immortal..... beware of Path though.
Posted By: Jaden_Archangel (3/13/2009 2:31:53 PM)


Pariah+Kor Firewalker:

Your opponent domes you with LB. The life gain due to Firewalker goes onto the stack. Pariah causes the LB to want to target the Firewalker, but it can't as the Firewalker has prot red. The Lightning Bolt therefore lacks a legal target and fizzles. Pending other items being added to the stack, you then gain some life; gratz!
Posted By: Ghostyman (10/27/2011 10:31:17 PM)


he's orgasming
hang on, no, he's just taking
storm crow beats for me
Posted By: DaaNz (3/26/2009 2:23:00 AM)


this and Fog Bank?


Pariah's Shield is still better, though, because if something happens and the Fog Bank Dies (as in Unstable Footing) you can just reattach it, as long as you are in control of the thing you want to take the damage. Even if you aren't, there are still ways to get an equipment onto an opponent's creatures (i.e. Traitorous Blood)
Posted By: Mosstone (10/12/2013 4:23:09 PM)


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