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i think if 2 pariahs are in play for the same player, both creatures get full damage. pariah means that if damage would be dealt to you, its not, and another creature get that amount of damage instead. and if there are two, they both need to get that damage.
Posted By: Tezz (10/18/2009 12:26:25 PM)


If I enchant Kor Firewalker with Pariah, and my opponent hits me with Lightning Bolt, what happens?

Does the Kor's prot Red prevent the damage? Or not?
Posted By: PhyrexianAdvocate (3/24/2011 5:44:56 PM)


what's up with the flavour text for this (tenth ed. version) appearing in the sidebar but not on the card itself...

the flavour text seems relevant too, which makes it even weirder
Posted By: doolydooly (10/18/2009 5:39:14 AM)


@doolydooly: the flavour only appears on the foil version, as the reminder text for enchant creature takes up most of the space on the card, but is not printed on the foil.
Posted By: EvilCheesecake (11/23/2009 11:44:05 PM)


Absurd card, so easy to break. Worst case scenario, it's removal + holy day OR forces opponent to use their own removal on their creature.
Posted By: FogRaider (5/13/2010 9:03:36 AM)


No no no.. you guys all have it wrong.

Cast Treacherous Link on an opponent's creature along with Pariah to redirect all damage that you would take to your opponent instead, then follow that up with a Greater Auramancy or two to make sure they don't destroy your enchantments or their creature.

Or cast those same enchantments on a creature you control to redirect all damage you would take into a neverending loop. :)
Posted By: Kelrath (6/8/2010 3:42:48 AM)


It's weird how gatherer has flavor text for this, when the card itself doesn't...
Posted By: Nickajack (7/12/2010 7:03:23 AM)


spitemare! stuffy doll!! etc lmao
Posted By: zositmos (9/8/2010 5:58:31 PM)


I put this on stuffy doll then added shroud and took the 7000000 damage my friend delt me... I could only say one thing... thats what happens when a bunch of saprolings try to go up against me... I drop my doll and run
Posted By: __Silence__ (10/13/2010 6:01:54 PM)


Try INFINITE DAMAGE people...well not infinite damage, but there are some combos out there that let people gain massive life, sometimes infinitely until they cut their combo loop, somewhere in the millions. And of course this combo will be legal in some tournaments, especially the tournies that don't let you use Unglued, Unhinged and Portal Set cards not reprinted;) Our beloved Mogg Maniac with Treacherous LinkandPariahor Pariah Shieldslapped on, then trigger any damage ability targeting yourself or Moggy McMassacre! What you have in my opinion is the best three card infinite damage loop ever invented;)Remember I said something about infinite life gain until someone kills the combo? Have ANY creature have the Treacherous Link and Pariah or Pariah Shield on with a Soul Link firmly attached. Let the loop go on and on, gaining life and so forth, but be careful to have the ability to d... (see all)
Posted By: Sumai4444 (10/16/2010 6:16:43 AM)


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