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Combo with Blinding Powder for great justice.
Posted By: Saxophonist (11/3/2010 10:43:36 AM)


Very under-appreciated card. Removal + stalls your opponent's attack for a turn. Or play it on your own creature if it has "prevent all damage" or is indestructible.
Posted By: AvatarOfHOE (12/23/2010 12:15:27 AM)


This card+Dawn Elemental+Mycosynth Lattice+Darksteel Forge
Posted By: Superllama12 (2/8/2011 5:48:25 PM)


Hmmmm. Would this work with Reaper of Sheoldred?
Posted By: TheLionsMane (5/19/2011 5:11:14 PM)


what happens if i enchant a White Knight with this, and I am dealt damage by a black source. is the damage still considered "black' by the time it gets to the Knight?
Posted By: Nekrataaler (10/22/2011 7:21:46 PM)


@Ghostyman; Actually, the LB would target you, it would resolve, Kor firewalker would cause the life gain, "you" would take 3 damage, however, any damage dealt to you is instead dealt to the enchanted creature, therefore Kor Firewalker would take 3 damage. Its' protection from red does it little because the LB never actually targets it, the damage just shifts to it.
Posted By: slydragoon (12/18/2011 6:26:48 PM)


I like to combo this with Ward of Lights for whatever color my opponent is playing.

So lets say they are elves, I put Pariah on one of their elves, and then put ward of lights "Choosing Green" on their elf as well.

They deal damage to me, it is redirected to their elf, and then deals 0 damage. In most mono matches without mass removal this can stall the game long enough for me to do just about anything :).
Posted By: oafkad (1/11/2012 1:08:00 AM)


I'm surprised no one has commented on the flavor of this yet. WHY IS THIS WHITE?!

Certainly totalitarian governments (the dark side of white) create pariahs - but they do so because they consider the Pariah to be nonwhite in some way shape or form. The Jews are too Blue, the Blacks are too Green - not take an innocent white citizen and make them take damage.

This either needs to have the clause "Enchant nonwhite creature" or be titled "Martyr" or some other white value.
Posted By: Cloudchaser.Kestrel (1/16/2012 9:34:51 PM)


@Aburaishi that's a great combo for a total stand still, but for an early game advantage I would suggest Predator Ooze. You can get the combo out sooner and you'll have an offensive tool that just gets bigger as the game progresses. Throw on a Whispersilk Cloak with a Leonin Abunas in play (possibly also wearing a cloak) and that'll be gg in most games. And there's so many fun things you can combo with predator ooze : )

@Tetsu_tora, would Phyrexian Obliterator now consider your Pariah the source of the damage and force YOU to sacrifice permanents? Cause that would be a backfire… I suppose not because it's a redirect and not the originator of the damage, but that would take some lookin to confirm. Anyone?
Posted By: JamosDeYamos (2/18/2012 12:22:35 PM)


@Tetsu_tora, would Phyrexian Obliterator now consider your Pariah the source of the damage and force YOU to sacrifice permanents? Cause that would be a backfire… I suppose not because it's a redirect and not the originator of the damage, but that would take some lookin to confirm. Anyone?

Posted By: JamosDeYamos

i did search on the comp. rule book, i only found two rules with the word redirect, but one of them was about planeswalkes, i underlined the important stuff:

614.9. Some effects replace damage dealt to one creature, planeswalker, or player with the same damage dealt to another creature, planeswalker, or player; such effects are called redirection effects. If either creature or planeswalker is no longer on the battlefield when the damage would be redirected, or is no longer a creature or planeswalker when the damage would be redirected, the effect does nothing. If damage would be redirected to or from a player who has left the game, the effect does nothing.... (see all)
Posted By: KnexWiz (8/14/2012 2:26:18 AM)


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