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Combos with Painlands.
Posted By: Manite (8/9/2013 2:14:56 AM)



What do you mean by combining it with fog bank? Fog Bank's ability only prevents combat damage dealt to/by fog bank. Any other damage (including re-directed damage via Pariah) will instantly kill the fog bank. And in the case I'm wrong about the re-directed damage, the fog bank will still die whenever any other damage source hits the enchantment-controlling player.


Just found this card and it shall go directly into my High Priest of Penance deck.

Any damage source + High Priest of Penance + Darksteel Plate = EPIC!
Posted By: MortisAngelus (3/17/2014 3:48:39 PM)


Whoa... you can enchant your opponent's creatures?

@Manite: unfortunately the Zendikar fetchlands and the Ravnica shocklands require you to pay life, which results in loss of life, not damage. You can't redirect loss of life.
Posted By: JimmyNoobPlayer (4/6/2014 1:28:09 AM)


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