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@ klauth,
This doesn't work with milling cards: for a card to be considered a permanent, it has to be in play, otherwise it's still a spell/card.

And yes, there are plenty of infinite combos with this, and short of instantly winning with this, it can be key in shutting down an opponent's combos. It's also easier to pull off gravestorm than regular storm in early game.
Posted By: Ritius (11/17/2009 4:21:24 PM)


M, this card will work with Thopter foundry and sword of the meek, because tokens are put into a graveyard also--they just evaporate as a state based action. sword of the meek enters multiple times, but I think that side works too.
Posted By: Hibron (4/16/2010 7:21:38 AM)


heartless summoning + 2 myr retrievers + this

/troll face
Posted By: fullbringer (10/8/2011 10:53:14 AM)


I love this card. There are many combos you can do to insta mill your opponent.
Posted By: AlphaNumerical (8/11/2009 11:27:32 PM)


This one seems to be difficult to abuse right now... Storm
(Tendrils of Agony) is much more exploitable without being broken
Posted By: makochman (10/7/2009 2:50:25 PM)


I may be low tech... but, I love sacrificing a ton of my little zombies to a fallen angel... attacking then playing this to completely deconstruct anyway they can deal with my inevitable reanimate strategy. Oh, and I love to use pestilence too... may hurt me a bit... but always hurts my opponent more. :} Especially when this follows.
Posted By: diplopia7 (1/30/2010 12:42:02 PM)


To those who think that this does not work off of an infinite token sacrifice combo, you are wrong. Unlike a card such as Bloodchief Ascension, which activates only when a "card" is put into the graveyard, Bitter Ordeal works when a permanent is put into the graveyard. What this means is anything that remains on the battlefield, including tokens (which do not cease to be permanents upon entering the graveyard, but rather cease to be cards, so they trigger any graveyard effects that do not specify "cards"), will trigger Gravestorm. Fear not young Johnny players, your combos are safe.
Posted By: Agent1103 (10/30/2011 11:14:32 PM)


I wanna break this sooo bad
Posted By: BlackAlbino (9/12/2011 10:09:11 PM)


Bah, wish it said card instead of permanent. This would have been nuts in a mill deck. Still very strong if you're Johnny enough for the task.
Posted By: Totema (3/24/2012 1:12:34 AM)


Combo with Damnation for a cheaper Sadistic Sacrament with board wipe!
Posted By: LordRandomness (6/21/2012 8:52:50 PM)


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