Here's one for the combo lovers: Cloud Key + (Sensei's Divining Top x 2) + any storm card = infinite storm.
Posted By:
(7/26/2010 8:56:21 AM)
Uhm, chosing artifacts to become cheaper and then trying to hardcast a Darksteel Colossus for ten freaking mana is about the last thing i'd like to do with that key...
When chosing these i'd rather look for some interesting loops that could be done with various artifact one-drops instead.
Posted By:
(11/25/2009 1:11:13 PM)
Paired with an Ethurium Sculpter, this could really boost things even more in Esper/Artifact decks.
Posted By:
(1/31/2010 1:52:10 PM)
Cloud Key IS good in artifacts cause it is an artifact.
The first 3, the second 2, the third 1 and the last is free.
Now the rest cost 4 less. Free Lodestone Golems ftw.
Posted By:
(5/8/2010 5:44:53 AM)
Combine with Bludgeon Brawl for a Keyblade!
Posted By:
(6/15/2011 10:38:55 PM)
A very nice combo piece, and an equally good tempo generator whose ability is difficult to suppress without flat out destroying it.
Remember that it can also reduce the ADDITIONAL COSTS for many spells, such as Buyback (For example, try it with Reiterate, it's annoying and fun) and its flexible nature lets it fit into just about any casual deck.
Posted By:
(3/4/2010 1:35:51 PM)
Combo-enabling or control card thats for sure. Making my counterspells in {U} cost {1} less? Yes please
Posted By:
(7/27/2011 10:53:28 PM)
Why is this rated so low? Several of these can be game-decidingly useful if you can get them out there.
Posted By:
(9/23/2009 10:08:43 PM)
I love that a lot of cards with "key" in their name have references in their flavor text to unlocking combos. This certainly helps a lot of combos get played.
Posted By:
(5/30/2012 11:05:18 PM)
Obviously Semblance Anvil kind of took this cards place for 3-cost artifact that reduces cost.
But is it better?
The cost is
less rather than
less. That's a huge bonus.
But (and it's a big, huge, throbbing but) you have to imprint (aka Exile) a card from your hand. So, if you don't have the card type that you'd like reduced, you're stuck. If you do, you have to choose whichever one is weaker.
I do like this quite a bit. It works best with Artifacts, but isn't horrible elsewhere. Not exactly an EDH staple, but if you have one, it wouldn't hurt your game.
Posted By:
(12/10/2012 7:34:10 AM)