Kind of game over if you don't have removal when this comes out on turn 3 (easy to do with fetch lands grabbing old dual lands) and you get hit for 5 on turn 4. It's a 7 turn kill if it goes unblocked. For three mana, that's pretty brutal.
Posted By:
(2/6/2012 9:31:15 PM)
I thought for some reason that this was a super-expensive card, to the point that I kinda chewed out a more experienced player who told me I should have one in my deck. I wonder what I was confusing this with.
Posted By:
(2/21/2013 7:49:07 AM)
So 5/5 for 3, that can screw with your opponents and make wacky creatures work.
Posted By:
(5/1/2013 3:15:30 PM)
Excellent as a commander, even without support.
Run with Reveillark, Cloudshift, and any number of cards along the lines of Pontiff of Blight, Silklash Spider, and perhaps a Golgari Grave-Troll for good measure.
Posted By:
(8/4/2013 10:24:26 AM)
I'm going to be a little different and point out a cool application for him in Legacy:
-He attacks through Ensnaring Bridge
That should be all you need, but there's more depending on your deck-building:
-He buffs Tarmogoyfs slightly
-He buffs Deathrite Shaman to a 2/2 on his already ridiculous body
-He's fetchable via Green Sun's Zenith
-Other random good creatures like Courser of Kruphix
So he's a 3-mana Bramble Creeper who you can protect with Karakas. Keep him in the sideboard as helping your GB opponents or getting bounced by Karakas is annoying as well as 0-Life Plows; but against your blue/black fair-deck opponents bring him in. He makes Snapcaster, Dark Confidant, True-Name Nemesis, and other lopsided creatures hit for a measly 1 while ... (see all)
Posted By:
(2/27/2014 11:15:44 AM)