I don't like playing this card usually because I prefer gaining a creature advantage, and these types of cards kill all your own creatures too, having said that this is the best of them for sure. You can potentially choose a converted mana cost that wont kill your own creatures, and against artifact decks austere command can be absolutely brutal when it resolves. As for faeries.. I don't know.. seems like there's a thousand and one tricks to take down faeries so I'm really not that concerned about them. Any enchantment removal or board sweeper does the trick, with many to choose from. I personally have a lot of mana accel in my deck, and choose to play lavalanche, if I need to play it early 5 mana hurts my opponent for 2 and kills all their faeries and it's completely one sided. Later on the x cost can be large enough to take down their big creatures too.
Posted By:
(10/25/2009 11:46:22 PM)
One of the best cards late game versus Fairies. You can wipe their entire board save lands and a probable Mistbind Clique by choosing enchantments and small creatures. I'm surprised it's not a one-of in 5 color control.
Posted By:
(12/29/2008 11:58:49 AM)
now just wondering been a discrepency with regards to token creatures that come into play with no mana cost? would they be wiped out as well .. i think yes but some say no? what u say ?
Posted By:
(4/18/2009 6:54:29 PM)
The destroy all artifacts part should have gone to red :(
Posted By:
(2/21/2010 7:07:58 PM)
If only it had CMC 5... But anyway, wery powerfull card.
Posted By:
(5/24/2010 6:49:06 AM)
This card is just funny.
It seems so wrong that white's Command got destruction, and ONLY destruction.
But, I will say that it's one of my favorite cards.
Posted By:
(6/8/2010 2:03:08 PM)
Oh sweet lord, i love this card. Traded for this today and it single-handedly won me the first two games i played with it.
The selective board clearing is so awesome that this card might as well read "gain ridiculous board position". Whereas DoJ and company hit everyone equally, austere command always benefits you. 5/5
Posted By:
(7/7/2010 9:19:22 PM)
It fit the Level mechanics and white weenie deck.
Can give serious board advantage.
Posted By:
(7/27/2010 4:19:43 PM)
I played this against a person who ran almost a pure artifact deck (artifact lands, creatures, everything). He didn't know what my deck was like and wasn't nervous until I slapped this in play and wiped his entire field except for two islands. He was looking at a Baneslayer Angel and a Serra Angel as his opposition, completely defenseless.
Definitely not as good overall as Cryptic Command for obvious reasons, but this card will still devastate your opponents in the right situations. Although in multiplayer, it's the most efficient command since every choice you have affects everyone and not just targets.
Posted By:
(8/22/2010 5:24:31 PM)
No, it's not wrath of god. 6 mana variants will NEVER be wrath of god. However, it's still pretty good, and I like it.
Posted By:
(9/17/2010 11:05:17 PM)