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Community Rating: 3.897 / 5  (58 votes)
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I love using this card.
Posted By: movie_cultist (6/22/2009 9:42:47 AM)


The absolute best scarecrow out there! XD
Love him mostly for the 2/2 for 3 colorless that can produce mana of ANY color for anything. Plus the other ability has possibilities! I love the pic too!! Idk which I like more the image or it's abilities LOL :D
Posted By: AbyssalManZero (11/19/2009 4:59:14 PM)


LOL i was watching the volcano south park episode wen i found this card... its hand DOES look like celery...
Posted By: Shadoflaam (12/15/2010 5:23:26 PM)


Strictly better than Alloy Myr.
Strictly less cute than Alloy Myr.
Posted By: Axelle (9/13/2012 5:37:36 PM)


is this the only creature with type scarecrow im pretty sure ive never seen another scarecrow type b4
Posted By: storm_crow4presidnt (4/23/2010 3:50:57 PM)


Probably my favorite card in the entire game. SO many ways you can just have fun with this card, and SO many uses. Got a doom blade in hand but your opponent has a black creature? Now it's Red and Blue. They have a creature with protection from a color you have and decide to chump block it? Activate the Scuttlemutt to make your attack something else they can't defend against and take them out. Heck, not too long ago I played an EDH game with a friend who had Animar, Soul of Elements while I had Oros, the Avenger out. I throw on an aura to protect Scuttlemutt, tap it to make Oros pure Red, swing in the air, and nuke Animar and kept Scuttlemutt alive.

The ability to tap for any mana is just icing on the cake and helps out in quite a few ways. For one, if you have some infinite mana combo going but only of one color (rare, but it can happen), and you can untap Scuttlemutt somehow, you can effectively filter the mana into other colors. Or, more t... (see all)
Posted By: Zielheim (12/2/2011 3:50:28 AM)


Classic move with this guy is to throw him in a deck with grindstone and mill your way to a win.
Posted By: Pantheon (2/26/2012 10:18:50 AM)


@Pantheon I don't think that will work.

And it's a common?
Posted By: Speednat (4/16/2012 7:36:51 PM)


Huh. This might actually be better a better common 3 CMC colorless mana-fixer than Pilgrim's Eye. He ramps or fixes mana when you need it, bashes for two points when you don't, and is tech against that sod who just slammed a Guardian of the Guildpact during the cube draft. This is going on my wish-list.
Posted By: PauperCubist (8/5/2012 2:02:51 PM)


this is common and Alloy Myr is uncommon?
Posted By: ZaisConsultant (8/12/2012 5:41:37 PM)


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