Declaration of Naught, meet Declaration of Yes.
Posted By:
(12/14/2010 10:44:29 PM)
Meet the one and only Goblin Librarian.
He's in the jungle because he lost his job. They found out he was eating mushrooms and now they pay Phyrexian Librarian to do his job
Posted By:
(12/27/2010 6:06:27 PM)
Basically, sideboard card for any red or green player that might face permission deck.
Or I'd say, must have in sideboard if you're running goblin or shaman tribal deck.
That + goblin piledriver blue player now pray to not face goblins.
Posted By:
(8/4/2010 4:23:04 PM)
This is a hoser. Pure and simple. There isn't a problem with Kor Firewalker because it's not good against anything other than red. I understand that some creatures can be hosers AND efficient- like White Knight. And I understand that this only hoses a particular strategy of blue- though, to be fair, it hoses one of the most tactically relevant ones. But this was good enough for sideboards when Shadowmoor was in standard, and it's good enough for me.
And the argument that blue has some vice-grip over the other colours like some leather-clad dominatrix is certainly up for debate. Let's be realistic. You can't expect a hoser to single-handedly win the game for you agaisnt a particular colour or strategy. This isn't a big game of rock-paper-sissors. If this lets you sneak out the last 3-point Lightning Bolt at the blue mage's head, or get out a big troll-shroud wurm, it's done it's job. And really, a five mana Mind Control... (see all)
Posted By:
(7/16/2010 8:25:10 PM)
If I understand correctly someone could cast a counterspell in response to vexing shusher's ability and it would resolve before the ability and still counter the spell... unless you use vexing shusher's ability again in response. Is this correct?
Posted By:
(2/20/2011 12:31:42 PM)
What's really awesome about this card is that it *looks* like the activation ability has a cost... but really, it sort of doesn't. Because, the mere presence of this card on the battlefield says to the opponent "hey, if I have one G or R available, you're going to get card disadvantage if you try and counter the spell, so don't even bother".*
Just the kind of trickery you'd expect from a goblin shaman.
*Of course, there's always the chance that you'll only have one G or R open, and they'll be willing to give up 2 counters to hit your spell. So the cost is relevant. I'm just pointing out that having the ability itself is such a deterrent that you may never need to pay it.
Posted By:
(11/27/2012 1:00:02 AM)
Awesome card, can be used to full effect in mono green or mono red makes it just that much better.
Posted By:
(10/18/2009 11:49:29 PM)
i love this card. it is an overpowered two drop
Posted By:
(11/30/2009 11:39:13 PM)
A rare from my first booster. It works great again blue decks.
Posted By:
(12/12/2009 1:16:41 PM)