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Community Rating: 4.075 / 5  (146 votes)
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And then comes a one white mana-colored card to ruin your day...(Path To Exile) Oh bugger...
Posted By: Jokergius (9/12/2009 8:37:57 PM)


Conceptually, I'm having a hard time imagining how a troll can easily win in hand-to-hand combat against Emrakul, The Aeons Torn... lol
Posted By: Tjolgtjar (12/8/2010 10:21:39 AM)


This Is Easy A 4.5 At Least Its Pretty Much Indestructible For 1 Mana More Cuz A Vanilla 5/5 Is 6 Mana The Second Ability Is Whatever And For The LOLzz, But Also The Art Is Very Impressive
Posted By: MasterOfEtherium (1/24/2010 7:56:10 PM)


it is an ok card, but 25/25 no trample! this card sucks without trample
Posted By: Elfie (6/23/2009 8:30:32 AM)


This is quite literally about as timmy as it gets. It's hard to see a 25/25 (the biggest non-dynamic stats in the game) and be all "Meh, I've seen bigger.."

No you haven't.
Posted By: blurrymadness (8/1/2013 9:22:47 AM)


I had a thought. If it can regenerate at any time it would be destroyed, imagine using this with Doomgape. Sacrifice Mossbridge, gain 5 life, he regenerates, attack with Doomgape, and if you get just 1 other creature on the board, you can sacrifice that instead, tap Doomgape, and let loose a 25/25 powerhouse. Talk about broken!
Posted By: Xpodmaniac (6/11/2009 1:30:59 PM)


How does this work with -x/-x effects? It would go to the graveyard as a state-based effect, right?
Posted By: blindthrall (5/8/2010 1:31:53 PM)


This card plus Shield of the Oversoul made me win a game and had my opponent staring in disbelief. :D
Posted By: KiDroboto (2/27/2010 1:56:23 PM)


@xpodmaniac: at which point you get DQed for not understanding the *** rules!
Posted By: Ratoly (3/2/2010 8:28:24 PM)


Elvish piper to get this guy out on turn 4, play phyrexian dreadnaught next turn, and before phyrexian dreadnaught has a chance to die, use this guy's ability to tap him and give this guy +20/+20. Then throw on a Berserk just for good measure; turn 5 50/50 trampler is nothing to scoff at.
Al0so, it won't die because Berserk specifically says destroy, not sacrifice, so he just regenerates. Not that it matters, the whole 50/50 trampler should win long before you need to worry about that.
Posted By: Gilder_Bairn (5/2/2010 12:41:52 AM)


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