for 2 mana you can have a 2/2 and a 1/1 creatures.
useful blocker
Posted By:
(9/14/2011 9:07:06 AM)
Play with a Power Conduit to deal with the counters.
Posted By:
(5/24/2012 1:35:33 AM)
Its a pretty nice blocker for limited
4/5 Stars
Posted By:
(11/23/2012 12:36:41 PM)
A Bear is efficient, and almost always appreciated. Cheap, splash-able and with good combat abilities. The have a 1:1 curve (a one-drop of a specific colour has 2 points in either power or toughness and a keyword, or a fairly weak ability, with each after than increasing that amount by a third; 1 more power/ toughness point or another ability, and a two-drop could be 0/1 with three abilities. Another coloured mana cost equals roughly twice the value of , a different colour (that is allied) is roughly three times the value, a different colour (that is an enemy colour) is roughly four time the value, but an ability that has a drawback usually takes away from the cost, and a hybrid colour in the costing is usually pretty awkward; it is roughly 1.5x a , where a colour mana is 2x a , so they generally round it up or down. Less commonly, a good subtype can justify something costing more, and that is valued at roughly 0.5x a , which stakes with a hybrid colour).
And, ... (see all)
Posted By:
(1/31/2013 6:59:37 AM)