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Aaron_Forsythe: Shortly after the M10 rules changes, I built a Polymorph deck that used Thunderheads to make tokens at the end of other people's turns, and I had multiple conversations that went like this:

"But why would you do that? They'll just die immediately."
"Well, see, what it actually means is that they go away at the beginning of the next end step."
"Oh! Okay, gotcha."

At the time, many of these people still needed the stack explained to them whenever I tried something tricky. I'd say your solution has worked.
Posted By: XDaragoX (1/12/2011 2:22:42 PM)


The "waylay problem" is one of the things I hate about Magic's rules. There used to be a version of the rules where if anything whatsoever happened during the end step, you'd have another end step, and you'd keep having end steps until people stopped trying to do things after the end of the turn. I miss that.
Posted By: willpell (6/5/2011 3:08:52 AM)


Infinite combo with Grimgrin.
Posted By: Sutebe (12/24/2011 3:24:42 AM)


A sigil captain combo perhaps? T: put 4 3/3 creatures into play for a turn? Anyone up for that?
Posted By: TPmanW (1/9/2011 10:24:00 PM)


@ Aaron:
Have you ever thought about changing the turn-rules instead, forbitting anything after the "end of turn" abilities trigger??? Who needs this anyway? It would be the same as casting spells before the untap step of a turn.

It's kind of surprising, to play a Topsy Turvy. With that card in play, "end of turn" effects happen first and the draw happens last. This feels odd at first, but "end of turn" effects become something like "until your next turn" abilities instead.

To get to the point, who would care, if "until the end of turn" effects would have a reading or "until the next turn" instead?
Posted By: Cheza (8/1/2011 7:05:28 AM)


the combo for this is
Elemental Mastery
Intruder Alarm
Hamletback Goliath
Blade of the bloodchief

yay token ruling glitch (yes, they do count for the soul reaper effect)
Posted By: darkfury (10/1/2009 4:30:09 PM)


Combine this card with sunstrike legionaire.
Posted By: MithosFall (9/22/2009 10:48:07 PM)



Play this on a creature, then tap it to make the tokens. After you've made the tokens, play a creature with devour. Sure you have to sacrifice them at the end of your turn, but if you devour them first it won't matter.
Posted By: Sakujo (11/25/2009 12:26:21 AM)


cough* nova chaser cough*
Posted By: powerdude (11/28/2009 12:03:27 PM)


They are elementals right? Incandescent soulstoke or echoing courage seems appropriate.
Posted By: Donovan_Fabian (1/12/2010 2:38:43 AM)


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