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Firebreathing isn't that powerful of a mechanic...
Posted By:
(9/26/2010 5:11:34 PM)
Really, people???? Goblin Tunneler or Dwarven Warrior anyone? 3/5 at least probably more. Unblockable, uncounterable blaze+3 every turn, less than 2/5? If he were bolt proof he'd be golden. now you can get him out on the cheap with red mana accel cards could get both him and the tunneler out turn 2 potentially.
Posted By:
(2/27/2012 7:56:52 AM)
I understand why someone thought it was a good idea to give Stone Spirit, Wind Spirit, Flame Spirit, and Sea Spirit the Elemental creature type. I even think it's kinda cool. But the fact is, not one of these cards has ever been printed as anything but a plain ol' Spirit.
As much as possible, Oracle should reflect what's printed on the cards. This is just muddying the waters.
Posted By:
(1/31/2014 11:01:16 PM)