I quite like goblins, and the boggarts were a fine addition to the tribe's identity. They brought a humour to black in this block that you don't often find in such a grim colour!
Case in point: most of the time, a creature with Fear is supposed to be terrifying. In this case, though, the Spiderwig Boggart makes a creature icky for a turn by covering it with spiders! I have to admit, if someone ran down the street at me, visibly covered with spiders, I would be get the hell out of the way!
Posted By:
(10/7/2010 7:51:07 AM)
I do like the silliness, but I'm playing Dirge of Dread in my goblin deck instead: it's inexpensive cycling with this benefit, or can be used as a finisher. But having a creature affected by goblin lords and tutors is of course very useful.
Posted By:
(2/11/2011 3:07:10 AM)
I don't like looking at that art.
Posted By:
(4/10/2010 12:12:22 AM)