Sometime I'll have to build a deck around it. Seems choosing odds would best fit the curve. with 2 and four mana spells to assist you. I've always been curious how much it might affect,as it seems a bit luck based. EG. Oh man, baneslayer.
Posted By:
(1/24/2011 11:23:02 AM)
Oh god, the artwork, the flavor, it all pieces together perfectly for me, and it's damn funny.
Posted By:
(3/20/2011 5:44:19 PM)
fun in draft
Posted By:
(7/15/2011 9:24:06 AM)
That's my prerogative!
Posted By:
(11/4/2012 5:40:49 PM)
Weird red effects! *shrugs, has fun*
Posted By:
(2/2/2013 9:00:05 AM)
@mynameis832: 0.5 is neither odd nor even, so your Little Girl won't come into play tapped or have haste.
Posted By:
(3/18/2014 7:45:38 PM)