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Community Rating: 4.093 / 5  (118 votes)
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"Protection from nasty stuff."
Posted By: djflo (10/9/2011 8:45:14 AM)


My only qualm with this card is it's vulnerability to white removal. Yes, it can't be Doom Bladed, burned, or bounced. And yes "dies to removal" is a sh!tty argument. But on a card whose whole purpose is to be virtually untouchable, it can be O-ringed way too easily. Then it's own Aura doesn't do much but stop combat damage from hurting it, it doesn't stop exile.

Again, I hate to be 'that guy' but the whole -pseudo shroud/unblockability- thing is suppose to be the selling point much like Demigod's is revival.

I will say it wasn't bad for limited. Since there were so many hybrid cards, chances were good if an opponent played a White or Green spell, the other side of it was of the three colors this is protected from.
Posted By: OmegaSerris (10/25/2011 7:07:03 PM)


@ OmegaSerris: Diregraf Captain. Signed, Wizards. No, we don't really care anymore, thanks for asking. You're welcome.
Posted By: DarthParallax (2/2/2012 10:26:22 PM)


Way to strong in casual play.... 5/5
Posted By: Pipikako (2/29/2012 5:34:02 AM)


A list of all Shadowmoor/Eventide gods.

Godhead of Awe
Divinity of Pride
Nobilis of War
Oversoul of Dusk
Ghastlord of Fugue
Dominus of Fealty
Deus of Calamity
Overbeing of Myth
Demigod of Revenge
Deity of Scars

because I wanted one.
Posted By: Renegade_Punk (3/5/2012 2:58:27 AM)


Wow, a scale bird and a scale human? The art director must have spent a few minutes patting himself on the back after seeing this.
Posted By: iandustrial (3/14/2012 4:05:55 PM)


She falls to Mercy Killing. Which, depending on the situation and who's doing the killing, can be either a bad thing or a good thing.

That thought aside, she's cool. I have a fondness for the Spirit Avatars, but this one and Dominus of Fealty are definitely my favorites.
Posted By: MysticSoldier5 (7/16/2012 11:58:03 PM)


Essentially the only thing that can touch her (aside from green and white creatures) is white removal and control (Arrest, Path to Exile, Swords to Plowshares, and the like) and the few green removal available (Prey Upon, Beast Within).
Posted By: Arachnos (9/15/2012 6:43:11 PM)


For those interested in the Eventide/Shadowmoor Deity (Spirit Avatar) Cycles:

White or BlueGodhead of Awe
Blue or BlackGhastlord of Fugue
Black or RedDemigod of Revenge
Red or GreenDeus of Calamity
Green or WhiteOversoul of Dusk

White or BlackDivinity of Pride
Black or GreenDeity of Scars
Green or BlueOverbeing of Myth
Blue or RedDominus of Fealty
Red or WhiteNobilis of War
Posted By: Grakling (11/29/2013 2:49:47 PM)


Excellent card, but ironically she seems to have one of the most self-centered abilities of the demigods.

Godhead of Awe affects everything else, Divinity of Pride has lifelink and cares about your life total, Nobilis of War powers up all of your attackers, Ghastlord of Fugue affects your opponent's hand, Dominus of Fealty takes your opponent's stuff, Deus of Calamity destroys lands, Overbeing of Myth is very strongly tied to your hand, Demigod of Revenge wants to be run in multiples...

Deity of Scars is perhaps her only competition, with his regeneration ability. The Deity and the Oversoul have abilities that are about themselves. Green and white are the most communal of the colors, but she tries her hardest to have as little to do with others as possible.
Posted By: Orichalcum (3/23/2014 6:32:23 PM)


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