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Great after i Rite of Replicate Primordial Hydra.
Posted By: mvpxdefuse (9/19/2012 11:09:26 PM)


So, 4 of these.

4 of Knight of New Alara...

and Tolsimir Wolfblood for kicks.

And I do believe they are all Knights, or most of them are? Throw in some Knight Exemplars too.

Don't forget Honor of the Pure and Crusade!
Posted By: psychichobo (11/4/2012 3:02:10 PM)


Maybe the handiest of the Shadowmoor 4CMC lords(for those unfamiliar, compares directly to Ashenmoor Liege, Boartusk Liege, Glen Elendra Liege, and Thistledown Liege). Fits into Elf tribes, which is pretty big, and the mana ramp lets you get him out quicker. Fits into Knight tribes(like the others), but unlike most of the others, is white, which is where most Knights live. Plays as a freebie(and potentially with Flash) if your opponent likes to mill. Is a solid Lord, but unlike some others, like Ashenmoor, can hit from the front lines with a little more impunity.

I'll put him in my white-centered decks to boost weenie creatures, and generally pick him over Boartusk Liege for green-centered. For red, I can almost toss a coin between Boartusk Liege and Ashenmoor Liege, unless I'm loading up on Goblins or planning on integrating a lot of Rakdos red/black creatures. As a straight Lord, I'll pick Ashenmoor ... (see all)
Posted By: MagicBrad (4/15/2013 7:27:18 PM)


If their discard effect is random, Wilt Leaf probably isn't going to help you. If they get to choose, you probably aren't going to get to discard this one out of whatever else is in your hand.
Posted By: RAV0004 (11/5/2013 10:11:31 PM)


Combos with Wilt-Leaf Cavaliers and Light From Within. Sounds like a standard deck I played that won 3 straight FNMs. Oh wait
Posted By: JoeNitrate (4/5/2014 8:30:13 PM)


serves its purpose well. Especially in G/W knight decks.
Posted By: Burningsickle (6/3/2014 9:17:42 PM)


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