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UG control deck with Upwelling and Doubling Cube could make it work...
Posted By: Taesr (6/9/2009 5:18:32 PM)


4th best win condition ever:
3rd: stormcrow
2nd: Lord of Extrinction+Nemesis of Reason, i crush your sanity
1st: Ornithopter. nothing more spiteful then being killed by a 0/2
Posted By: darkfury (2/15/2010 8:54:48 PM)


This seems like a card that could go well. It would likely mostly be one of those "Okay, at the end of your turn I funnel all open mana sources into it" and sort of leave it there otherwise. The kind of card that you wait until the end phase of your opponent's turn before using it, dumping any extra mana you have. A fun card for tossaround, but not one I'd probably play in a tournament deck.
Posted By: SoulReaverDan (8/3/2009 5:44:12 PM)


Good if you can get infinity mana, otherwise I prefer Dark Depths.
Posted By: Arachibutyrophobia (6/27/2009 11:07:33 AM)


Dude, you don;t need to target this. Just use a lot of mana producers (like an elf deck). Why would you traget this card? You just need a lot of mana, because I doubt there are cards that reference tower counters. This is a good/great card, depending on the deck. You know all those turns where you have a lot of mana but nothing to spend it on? Solution: here!
Posted By: HarDHarKoopa (12/8/2008 5:05:56 PM)


An intriguing card, to be sure, but it requires 100 mana to be poured into it in order to win. I think even the fastest mana flood decks can't get 100 mana in anything less than 10 turns on average unless they use an infinite mana combo, and if you're using an infinite mana combo you could win a myriad of ways instantly instead of waiting for your next upkeep and giving your opponent the chance to play any number of enchantment destroyers that don't target a la Akroma's Vengeance. So you're waiting 10 turns and spending every last bit of mana you get into this one card while your opponent is setting up whatever combo or creature kill he's building up to. I'd say your odds of winning with this card are absolutely substantially worse in that case.
Posted By: Treima (5/25/2009 11:36:16 AM)


Good card if you can get the mana easly, but if you can't or struggle to get it, then pass.
Posted By: PaladinOfSunhome (9/22/2009 9:59:06 AM)


Last time I saw this card in a game, I waited until my opponent had 96 Tower counters on it, and then cast Tempest of Light... and really ***ed them off. After that I just bumrushed them with an army of mostly 1/1 White soldier tokens... with a lot of boosts. All in all, they were 5/5 with Vigliance, and First Strike.
Posted By: Man-in-the-Hat (9/27/2009 12:14:08 AM)


Works well in a Mono Green Elf Deck with Ambush Commander, Elvish Promenade (4 for best results), and Elvish Archdruid.
Posted By: Mewgle (11/14/2009 1:52:58 PM)


Probably the coolest win condition beside Storm crow.
Posted By: CatsAreCthala (1/19/2010 3:22:02 PM)


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