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Community Rating: 3.636 / 5  (132 votes)
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I love alternate win conditions like this. It's a good card to put pressure on your opponent while the rest of your deck does real damage.
Posted By: Belz_ (4/22/2010 4:41:32 PM)


@kenji18: Thank you, you just made it easier for me. I was thinking of using Sachi and the Leafcaller with Freed from the real for this one, but the Bloom Tender is WAY better! YEY, New Infinite Manna combo and this one is two cards!
Posted By: DjDym (8/21/2010 10:26:29 AM)


These cards might help
urza's power plant
urza's factory
urza's mine

Mana Flare

Enjoy :D
Posted By: Vampire96 (8/21/2010 7:36:51 PM)


Cloud Post and Urza lands... Nuff said.
Posted By: VoidedNote (10/3/2010 10:27:38 AM)


Cloudpost and Glimmerpost make it happen.
Posted By: RichardJesperson (11/20/2010 7:36:38 PM)


I agree with you both, it can be awesome if you have a mana flood but if you dont have a mana flood, you are in trouble, if your deck is sneaking by with only just enough mana you are not gonna win with Helix pinical

I would rather spend my 15 open mana on an feral hydra or appocolypse wurm
Posted By: Dingo777 (5/2/2009 5:47:03 PM)


If you can generate 100 mana, you deserve to win the game.
Posted By: The_Trendkill (6/20/2011 7:49:21 AM)


A functional reprint of Giant Slug in green.
Posted By: Kryptnyt (12/8/2010 6:21:35 AM)


Honestly, this rare truly is filler; It'd be great, in some circumstances, but one little word, shroud, is what really makes this card pitiful. I mean, without shroud, the Gilder Bairn would have made some very wicked combos with this card and who knows what else could synergize with it, but alas, it cannot be targeted, and thus making this utterly poor in terms of rares.
Posted By: Oleander (11/15/2008 12:35:33 PM)


"All the turns you have nothing but mana?" Koopa, who are you playing that is letting you sit for ten turns with just mana?

I can start to think of cards to put with this, maybe a bant turtling deck, with some martial coupes, flutter of wings, cumber stones... but even still.

There are ways around the shroud, same way you get around prot. Global effects or spells that don't target a card will still affect Helix Pinnacle. It's limited, but there has to be something. Unfortunately, a single tranquility will wipe all your hard work away.

There are just so many nice 7-8 turn win condition decks out there, this card is useless.

You can't just go mana-accel, obviously. Even with explosive vegetation, elvish aberration, fyrnhorn elders, you're still hedging all your bets on one card that does nothing to the opponent. And you're vulnerable. Maybe a saproling deck with citanul hierophants could do it.

You'd have to do an all-out turtle/stall control deck, which would soak up a ton... (see all)
Posted By: Promatim (5/27/2009 10:39:45 AM)


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