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Community Rating: 4.325 / 5  (83 votes)
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@ Arachibutyrophobia
Thats... not how this card works. Good to know you and your friend were both equally bad at magic to lose at the same time though.
Posted By: Rancid_Raptor (4/25/2013 5:08:44 PM)


This was stronger back when dual lands counted as the name of two different lands, before lands got types and they were errataed to just count as types.
Posted By: Aquillion (5/16/2013 10:13:06 PM)


I run this with Energy it could be a 1 hit KO.
Posted By: thezoidburge (6/4/2013 8:40:02 PM)


10/10 on a flavor standpoint, but once it comes into play you probably have already won the game from something else.

In a theoretical world where mono-red decks want to stall for a good half dozen turns and don't have any massive burn to rely on, this would be great. As it is, it's pretty much a Johnny card only. But GOOD GOD what a fun card it is.
Posted By: Jannissary (7/5/2013 2:52:17 PM)


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