great one-of or two-of in a 5 color control or cruel control deck. If not that then sideboard, against decks low on creature removal, say a g/r aggro.
Posted By:
(8/8/2009 9:45:22 PM)
5 stars because he's mad cool and his mouth is "as big as a whale."
Posted By:
(6/29/2010 10:31:58 PM)
Does anyone else think of The Bard's Tale song when they hear the name of this card? What an ear-worm...
Anyway, this card seems solid, seeing as red is known for having some fun sorceries while blue tends to have mostly instants. Assume
for a 4/4 and a hybrid mana each for the abilities and it is exactly on curve. Provides excellent card advantage and allows you to control the game a little better based on what you pick. Very nice, a good solid card, although i don't think you want more than 2 in a deck as the expense could clog up your hand.
Posted By:
(4/11/2011 10:31:57 PM)
expensive, but for the sheer late game card advantage, worth it.
Posted By:
(2/26/2009 12:31:04 PM)
6 mana is expensive, but the 4/4 body isn't too bad, and you also get 2 more cards.
kinda sucks that it wasn't cheaper with a smaller body, since you're playing this guy for the two cards.
Posted By:
(12/30/2009 4:52:14 PM)
my only issue is that it's red sorcery and blue instant, frankly i'd have red instants and blue sorcerys
Posted By:
(11/24/2010 4:04:53 PM)
Why doesn't this have flying? or at least be smaller and cheaper.
Posted By:
(8/18/2009 12:29:12 PM)
what is this thing supposed to be?
Posted By:
(12/26/2009 2:27:59 PM)
For 1 more than Mulldrifter, you get +2/+2, lose flying, and gain control over what cards you get. (The lack of evoke makes the comparison a bit dodgy, but this is good regardless)
Posted By:
(12/31/2011 3:33:46 PM)
Kindulas: Really? I can see you maybe wanting to recurr red burn (bolts, perhaps), but really, the way he is remains awesome. You don't need to reach for burn with this. Think bigger. I, for one, enjoy picking up a Browbeat for extra card advantage, along with a counterspell or some blue instant card draw to turn my 2-for-1 into a cascade of advantage. Yes, you can recycle Ultimatums, as mentioned- but really, anything big and multicoloured is your friend here. I personally enjoy sending a Twincasted Banefire at an opponent in multiplayer, dropping this fellow, then taking out another.
Really, with this guy, think big in terms of your control spells. Cryptic Command, as mentioned, is good- you've just dropped a 4/4 beater, and by late game the command will open up the field for what will likely be the win. But that's clearly not the only utility. He's not going to be an Eternal Witness, sure, but ne... (see all)
Posted By:
(3/3/2011 4:47:24 PM)