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It's definitely underrated, likely not that useful in block-constructed but possibly one of the most useful cards for a cleric tribal deck.
And he does not have a weak body either, so this card is rather resistant to minor burn effects.
Posted By: Mode (8/11/2009 9:09:02 AM)


@Khavrion, you seriously need to go back to magic school. Paying life is not the same as taking damage, it can't be prevented. I'm so glad I am not in your playgroup.

I love running this with Pestilence in EDH. Get to pick and choose which players take it and which don't. (There are a million ways to keep this creature safe from the pestilence, not going to bring them up here.) Also, slap a Followed Footsteps on this sucker, and every turn you can prevent more and more damage. Having a wall of clerics on the board that pretty much make you immune to damage, as well as the politics they allow in an EDH deck can be a lot of fun.
Posted By: endersblade (7/13/2011 6:48:44 PM)


Most under rated card ever in my opinion.
Posted By: thaviel (3/1/2009 7:51:07 PM)


50,000,000 Squirrels + Prey Upon x4
Posted By: Opined_Fluke (11/26/2011 8:41:13 PM)


This card < storm crow <chimney imp
Posted By: daemonfrog (5/19/2010 5:00:24 PM)


Guys, totally: this with any of the Phyrexian mana symbol cards. With her out, you automatically take only 1 damage. With another cleric, you can cast any of that for free. Immolating Souleater just became an infinity/1. And Moltensteel Dragon became a 4 drop, for a 4/4 with flying and infinite firebreathing.
Posted By: Khavrion (6/29/2011 8:36:10 PM)


Guys, guys... Phyrexian Unlife+Leeches+Battletide Alchemist in a cleric deck.
Posted By: Tiggurix (6/2/2011 2:37:46 PM)


Your setting yourself up to walk into a board sweep. Maybe play with Blue and hold counter mana. Good in multiplayer if you have an ally with loads of counterspells.
Posted By: TheWrathofShane (12/12/2012 2:02:39 PM)


even if this was only cleric in your deck, having four of them is amazing
1= 1prevented
2 = 4 prevented
3 = 9 prevented
4 = 16 prevented
And even so, its doubtful you'll have JUST them in your deck. And if your playing Blue and clone them!!!
Posted By: Rancid_Raptor (4/23/2013 4:39:27 PM)


tech against Homunculi

but seriously don't try human transmutation
Posted By: Shadoflaam (8/19/2013 9:36:28 PM)


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