When suddenly, everything was Storm Crow.
Posted By:
(4/15/2012 1:14:59 PM)
I run this as a 2of in my casual Simic deck. Throw it on a 0/0 with graft and it turns everything into a 0/0. My stuff has counters on it tho. Fun combo and Mirrorweave's versatility also lets me pull other tricks as needed such as when they drop a Pathrazer of Ulamog.
Posted By:
(6/17/2012 10:57:06 PM)
Use it on a Hero of Bladehold, why not?
Posted By:
(6/19/2012 7:06:04 AM)
Mirran Crusader perhaps?
Turn 1 Creature
Turn 2 Creature
Turn 3 Crusader
Turn four this ((After Blockers are Declared)) swinging for 12 damage, possibly game depending how hard you hit them already. That's not even trying to combo.
Or combo with Spark Elemental for either a big swing or a field wipe, or both.
Posted By:
(8/24/2012 7:33:06 PM)
Play with some manlands (Mutavault, Dryad Arbor) to get some additional copies of your Hero of Bladehold from your land drop. Dryad Arbor in particular makes this totally free.
Posted By:
(9/22/2012 7:16:25 AM)
@Tezz Even better than WoG in Graft decks:
indestructibles die (take that Blightsteel Colossus)
no "dies"/"leaves the battlefield" triggers (take that Thragtusk)
Posted By:
(10/10/2012 5:32:00 AM)
'Why do you have that one Blighted Agent within that White Weenie deck?'
Posted By:
(11/4/2012 3:04:51 PM)
@OneFishTwoFish: That joke got old around 1998.
Posted By:
(11/12/2012 6:05:07 PM)
This in a living weapon deck becomes a 1 sided day of judgement
Posted By:
(12/6/2012 7:13:37 AM)
Target your Blazing Effigy to make Mousetrap look like kids' stuff.
Posted By:
(12/6/2012 8:24:57 AM)