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Community Rating: 3.103 / 5  (34 votes)
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To me this card is fine.

Besides the misprint, this is a sort of red Giant Growth for attack, and red is an aggressive color. The 1-toughness limit allows you to cast it on your weenie for an early 5 damage attack. Not bad.
Posted By: Paolino (2/24/2012 7:33:07 AM)


The more attention to pay to the card art, the less sense it makes. Did she fall asleep in the Maze of Ith?
Posted By: Salient (3/4/2012 8:54:49 PM)


Seriously, just use Fists of the Anvil. As this can't kill anyway, unless you're trying to weaken a creature so you can Shock it or something, this IS strictly worse.
Posted By: Todris052 (5/9/2012 12:53:50 PM)


Back in the day... When you did what the card said it did instead of what the oracle said the card did, this Legends card worked brilliantly with Pestilence. Today, all of the usefullness of this card has been tinkered out of it.
Posted By: elhajjaj (4/17/2013 8:21:20 PM)


Really fun card. Can make your munchkin a fatty or turn your enemy's fatty into a munchkin.
Posted By: The_Erudite_Idiot (10/17/2013 10:54:29 PM)


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