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Well there's another little situation aside from reanimator decks where this card is more useful than Wrath of God:
When facing the iron man.
Posted By: Mode (8/12/2009 8:45:04 PM)


Elder Dragon Highlander strategy note: This card is noted for its use in being able to keep an opponent's general off the battlefield. Just make sure your own general isn't in play when you cast this.
Posted By: Aristos (8/28/2009 8:36:29 PM)


A truly amazing spell. Deals with... well, everything. And that's what makes it so good: nothing survives. And no reanimation or bonuses from going to graveyard, either. Excellent Wrath variant.
Posted By: True_Mumin (8/8/2009 12:18:32 PM)


Really good against reanimator decks
Posted By: Vektor480 (5/13/2009 6:28:13 PM)


Vektor pretty much said what I was going to say: This is the card to have when you're up against reanimator. Reanimator's usually pretty good at searching the deck for what it needs, though, so this solution might not be permanent. It is better than Wrath of God in this instance, nonetheless. It has limited uses outside of it.
Posted By: Treima (5/25/2009 11:05:29 AM)


I don't know but he'll be back. ;)
Posted By: Belz_ (4/13/2010 6:16:01 PM)


After this decks will be quite creature dry. Moreso if you searched for some.
My affinity deck will pretty much be drawing land for the rest of FOREVER if this was played after it got going, with the creature half of my deck suddenly going from play to the bottom of my library.

I play and draw most of my deck.
I put all your creatures on the bottom. Feel free to draw 1 card per turn and hope its something even close to good, cause I'm gonna use my enchantment/burn/token gen/etc deck to its full effect.
Posted By: psyklone (1/11/2010 5:05:08 PM)


Why has no-one brought up Persist? This is designed to deal with Persist.
Posted By: A3Kitsune (3/13/2010 4:15:11 AM)


I think this is better than Wrath for creature-light decks like U/W control. If used late game it can leave the enemy defenseless by preventing dredge, persist, regenerate, and flashback (etc.) from occurring. The only creature that is good against this it Panglacial Wurm XD
Posted By: Shieldman (5/1/2010 11:16:00 AM)


What order do the creatures go on the bottom of your opponent's library? Would you be able to see which order they've put them in? I want to know how this would work with the Tunnel Vision combo in EDH.
Posted By: Seirix (2/5/2011 7:37:23 AM)


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