Awesome, sweet, and also very awesome.
The flavor text is badass, with the ascetic nobility you've come to expect from the Rhox.
Posted By:
(10/5/2011 4:40:21 PM)
But don't you see, Mirror-Sigil Sergeant? You do have many lives. They were inside you...this whole time.
Posted By:
(11/6/2011 6:00:05 PM)
@Grim777: You may have a point, but you don't have to be such a dick about it. If Tidus360 wants to turn a hundred creatures into one big creature, good for him, have fun doing it. Not everyone plays to cut throats.
Posted By:
(6/3/2011 5:44:51 AM)
neither is hordes of rinos beating face, but why are you complaining?
Posted By:
(2/10/2011 4:53:18 PM)
Magic isn't always about winning
My friend has a mirror-sigil deck and attacked for over 1200 damage in a turn (somethin' about a bunch of sergeants and a kicked rite of replication on a captain of the watch)
Sure he could have won several turns earlier, but where's the fun?
Posted By:
(3/24/2010 1:46:52 PM)
Imagine if he had battlecry
Posted By:
(5/17/2011 1:06:58 PM)
To be honest, this isn't that good of a card, you're likely to get removed before it does anything, but that's true for almost every card that wins games individually without a response.
That being said, this card is what a mythic should be, needs a specific deck build, it has a really cool splashy ability, isn't a utility, and is very flavorful, a perfect mythic to have in Bant, especially with the flavor text win
Posted By:
(6/8/2012 11:01:50 PM)
super rhino deck=) I played against this guy in a casual tournament and my enemy got to 75 health with cradle of vitality but could not win due to my platnium angel. The game was declared a draw.
Posted By:
(4/16/2009 6:52:59 PM)
1,419,857 tokens?
Maelstrom Pulse just scored 1.5mil kils :trollface:
Posted By:
(9/28/2010 9:21:38 PM)
so you have how many tokens? echoing truth?
Posted By:
(4/2/2011 2:06:18 PM)