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I heard he is good with blue permanents and some time to germinate.
Posted By: Pwnsaw (6/6/2010 12:59:06 PM)


Wow, if this ain't broken, then what is?
Posted By: Sironos (9/13/2010 2:38:57 PM)


lighthouse chronolgist and mirror-sigil sergeant = double pain in the ass
Posted By: Angelicarbiter (1/29/2011 11:52:13 AM)


The Mirror-Sigil Sergeant fears only the Maelstrom Pulse, because the Pulse can wipe out him and every token on the field he created. But if your opponent doesn't have that, he better have Wrath of God or Planar Cleansing ready to go right now, or he's pretty much beaten.
Posted By: SocialExperiment (8/14/2009 8:27:15 PM)


This guy's amazing. A UW deck with a few of these bruisers would only need to dig in with something like Wall of Denial and wait (or draw) to find one. I like a game plan with that kind of effectiveness and predictability. (^^)
Posted By: CSM-101 (10/8/2009 4:02:48 PM)


Great for overkill, played him alongside a wall of reverence, 3 veteran swordsmiths and a captain of the watch, an 8/5 trample, gaining me 8 life every turn..

I sat there taking damage for about 10 minutes, then attacked with 16,000 8/5 tramples for glorious overkill... 130k damage

(they reheheheally should've conceded the game by then, they were determined they could lightning bolt me to death)
Posted By: RustedKnight (10/22/2009 1:39:01 PM)


If I use a Vesuvan Doppelganger on this, would I get Vesuvan Doppelganger tokens? Would I be able to change the tokens to other creatures like a Vesuvan Doppelganger can?
Posted By: bhunji42 (11/16/2009 7:49:50 PM)


I would have used Thunder-Thrash Elder and Soul's Fire if i were to try what you did. Still kind of easy to counter though.

I want this card.
Posted By: ToidiDiPuts (11/25/2009 11:24:12 AM)


Most people either say Paradox Haze or Doubling Season. I want to say put 4 of both on the battlefield! Things are gonna get crazy, out of only one Mirror-Sigil, you'd get a grand 1,419,857 token on your next upkeep. Fun stuff, I say, too bad the game would usually already ended before getting to 4 of any.
Posted By: Daikoru (9/23/2010 4:29:57 AM)


@ chinkykong:

No, but it IS a bant ability.

@ .Fighter:

Not very smart. Check the cost of the Cobra.
Posted By: land_comment (4/10/2011 2:32:04 PM)


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