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@Tommy9898 - I disagree. This only costs 1 more than Recoil but allows you to see your opponents hand and choose one they have to discard. Recoil allows them to choose what they discard, so unless they have no hand size when you cast it you have no control of what they discard. This is expensive for a kill spell but that really isn't realizing the potential of this spell.
Posted By: CeremonialBathory (9/10/2010 9:45:15 PM)


French people like it, does that make it good?
Posted By: Kryptnyt (7/26/2010 11:37:25 PM)


Effects happen in order that they are written, so yes, the returned creature could be discarded.
Posted By: UltimaCenturion (7/26/2010 10:34:57 AM)


Recoil with the option to Duress. I like it.
Posted By: DacenOctavio (9/7/2011 10:56:47 PM)


A few small translation errors there, but anyway. An interesting form or removal. Might be a tad overpriced. Or, if you find out your opponent had something really nasty in their hand, you can discard that instead.
Posted By: sir_dwar (11/8/2009 1:14:08 PM)


So can you make them return and then discard the same creature? It seems you should be able to intuitively, but technically both effects should resolve simultaneously, which means the creature wouldn't be in his hand yet. Someone have an explanation?
Posted By: achilleselbow (5/16/2010 11:34:08 AM)


Excellente carte ! Dans mon bi-color bleu-noir, avec ses deux capas, son coût devient dérisoir. Permet à la fois de renvoyer une créature dans les mains de l'adversaire mais aussi, après avoir vu sa main, de lui retirer de la game la carte de notre choix.
À chaque fois que j'ai eut l'opportunité de la jouer, elle m'a littéralement conduit à la victoire. Je l'a joue dans mon deck ROGUE.

4.5 / 5

Posted By: Pyres (6/19/2009 5:11:06 PM)


For those who don't speak french, he said:

Excellent card! In my two-color blue-black, with its two capas, its cost becomes easy. It allows both to return a creature in the hands of the adversary but also, after having sent it to their hand, to withdraw from the game the card of our choice. Each time that I have had the desirability of the play, she told me literally led to the victory. I play it in my ROGUE deck.
Posted By: Forgeling (8/16/2009 7:37:14 PM)


It's like a terrible recoil.
Posted By: Tommy9898 (5/16/2010 6:49:47 PM)


This card wrecks people every single time. Puts them back a turn and takes away their best card, plus it can deal with a creature as long as it does not have shroud or madness 0.
And you get to know exactly what's coming from one player. I've used this several times to check whether the coast is clear for my or my ally's haymaker.
Posted By: Shiizu (10/27/2011 7:34:10 AM)


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