I attacked for an unnecessary amount of poison counters with this guy today. He's the general in one of my EDH decks.
Lord of Tresserhorn + Tainted Strike + Psychotic Fury = :D
I laughed so hard when i pulled it off!
Posted By:
(11/21/2010 7:55:40 PM)
Dies to Ramirez DePietro.
Posted By:
(11/11/2012 11:32:54 AM)
Run this guy with Stifle to remove that big drawback of his entirely.
Posted By:
(2/22/2011 8:41:07 PM)
And Terminate, don't forget Terminate. And he's also at the PERFECT curve for your opponent to Corrupted Conscience him the turn after you play him, isn't that neat? Gee, I bet you didn't see that big 2-hit wonder of yours pimp-slapping you to 10 poison counters in one hit, did you?
Posted By:
(2/13/2011 1:17:21 AM)
Oh, so very tempting.
Posted By:
(1/28/2010 9:47:28 PM)
I never thought of the word "Manly" in conjunction with a magic card... until I saw this guy.
Nothing says I don't give a rat's A$$ like sac 2 creatures, let your opponent draw 2 cards... I mean what you gonna do? Bring it. He's the hardest hitting beefcake at any mana cost up until 10. He's toting a Battleaxe that's heavier than he is. At to top it off, his power/toughness is the trucker code word for "h3ll yeah".
This guy heard all the Chuck Norris jokes, then he shrugged his shoulders and said, "This guy must be one h3ll of a pu$$y."
Posted By:
(8/18/2011 6:05:46 PM)
how come i've never heard of this beast until now? what an awesome dude.
Posted By:
(11/1/2009 6:43:48 PM)
@snaxme What is your favorite creature cuz i bet i can find half a billion ways to instantly kill it the second it hits the field. this card is beautiful btw
Posted By:
(11/18/2010 7:35:54 AM)
A 10/4 regenerator for 4?!?! YIKES.
Sure, he is suceptible to bounce and removal just like anyone else, but it is going to a quick game unless someone comes up with an answer for him very quickly.
Posted By:
(1/13/2010 11:52:36 AM)
...and right after you drop this bastard, he gets (your choice of):
-Swords to Plowshares'd
-Terminated (with EXTREEEEEEME prejudice)
-Cruel Edict'd (you won't have many more creatures in play if you're running Grixis colors, pal)
-Damnation'd or Wrath'd
And I could go on, but I have better things to do.
Fact is, although he's (somewhat) awesome,he also incurs a LOT of card disadvantage. And there's just too much removal that can take care of him, and you'd be left with less 2 critters, less 2 life, and you just gave a Divination to your opponent. So if you insist on running him, be sure to pack a couple of counterspells. Or shroud enchantments.
3/5, because, although his drawback is absurd, it's 10 power on a 4CC in grixis colors.
It's very true that everything has an answer, but you just have to weigh the pros and cons, and in this case, the cons outw... (see all)
Posted By:
(4/5/2010 2:56:47 PM)