I think Greg is referring to the fact that Blue Elemental Blast can only target blue cards while this card can target any card and fizzle. Both have the same functionality, but Hydroblast can be wasted on purpose. Might help stave off spells that deal damage based on the number of cards in your hand, pump Tarmogoyf, enable Threshold or Hellbent, etc though if you're running blue in those type of decks, you're doing it wrong.
Posted By:
(5/6/2012 3:46:17 PM)
Posted By:
(5/15/2012 11:03:47 AM)
Technically this is very slightly strictly better.
This can target any permanent, it only destroys them if they are red.
Thus, it is legal to target creatures like Phantasmal Dragon.
An extremely specific distinction, to be sure, but it's a difference.
Posted By:
(5/22/2012 11:36:03 AM)
Wrong! It's better because it can take down the mighty Phantasmal Bear while Blue Elemental Blast cannot. Huzzah.
Posted By:
(1/21/2013 7:58:34 PM)
This is actually better than the BEB, in a very tangible way- with this, you can target a Kozilek, then change the color word with Glamerdye to have him blow up. Since he's not already red, you can't even target him with Blue Elemental Blast to begin with.
Posted By:
(4/20/2013 9:26:34 PM)
Destroying Red permanents seems so un-blue these days, but back then, the whole "colors hate each other thing" was STRONG. You could hose entire colors with a single card from your deck. Like this one.
Posted By:
(6/12/2013 1:24:42 PM)
Man, Wizards sure doesn't pull any punches with their hate cards.
Posted By:
(7/18/2013 7:34:12 PM)
I feel like nobody really reads the comprehensive rules. We need more Melvins.
This *is* strictly better than Blue Elemental Blast because the color is not a targeting restriction. However, you cannot Glammerdye this after it targets a Kozilek because "colorless" is neither a color nor a color word. You want to target Kozilek? Change *his* color.
As far as this card, it's pretty great. It hoses red as sideboard fodder and if you build a color change deck, it is a solid piece of maindeck removal for a single drop of water. And yeah, illusions.
Comparing the Red and Blue variants of this:
Blue Elemental Blast
Flash Flood
Red Elemental Blast
Active Volcano
Red gets a point for utility, a point for a counter (or bounce), a point for color specific enchantment destruction and a point for color specific creature destruction (make it half a point since red can ... (see all)
Posted By:
(3/19/2014 2:23:40 AM)