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This card needs a reprint.
Posted By:
(4/26/2010 7:15:29 AM)
Baby you're a firework!!!
Posted By:
(6/20/2011 8:54:56 PM)
I know it's obviously a functional card, but when you can just destroy a creature anyway for a little more mana, why wouldn't you? There's even a little handful of one-mana creature destroyers in Black, and plenty in Red. Wizards doesn't make cards modeled after Paralyze much anymore because they're unnecessary in a world of Shocks, Doom Blades, Path to Exile, etc.
There are cases where this card is much better than *either* destroy or exile effects:
When you don't want the creature to leave the battlefield, or be able to attack you.
Maybe it has death triggers, maybe it has tap abilities. But Arrest and similar are good enough and more flavorful than Paralyze. Moat-like or Sleep-like effects are more efficient in the long run.
Paralyze had its day, it was a cool card, but there isn't room for cards that don't directly Threat-Answer and don't do anything else... (see all)
Posted By:
(10/21/2012 4:52:31 PM)
As good as this card is, it really shouldn't be black. It fits in better with blue or white, as those are the lockdown colors and are more compatible from a flavor standpoint.
Posted By:
(9/9/2012 4:28:15 PM)
@ thewalkingdead: Your Kung Pao reference has been noticed, and is appreciated.
I already stated on the Alpha printing of this card how I like it. So I'll only add that this now has some added appeal, with Thragtusk being the card it's fashionable to hate, at the moment.
Posted By:
(1/9/2013 7:20:05 AM)
They might want to not waste a removal card on this because the paralyzated creature can can still be used, and you might make them waste 8 or more mana over multiple turns. Not entirely in black's flavor, though. Maybe if it did a similar mechanic, but under the pretense of disease or such?
Posted By:
(8/14/2013 6:40:18 AM)
Waaaay back in the day, when Force of Nature was the best creature around, I won a game by paralyzing it. My opponent had enough mana to untap it...OR pay the upkeep, but not both.
This is still very playable; it's better than most other forms of black removal for black creatures, indestructible creatures, or those with "Leaves the Battlefield" effects or Undying. and (as the example above shows) is also good for keeping a card in play when you want your opponent to suffer its drawback.
And it costs ONE MANA!
Almost overpowered, actually...
Posted By:
(3/15/2014 11:35:55 PM)