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Art is based on Albrecht Durer's engraving "Knight, Death, and the Devil"... (See this detail: http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_1f8qaegCiyU/S9Q8PE4u7iI/AAAAAAAABlA/wFZIQ-qDaK4/s400/KD%26D_detail_02.jpg )
Posted By: Wanderer25 (1/26/2011 11:08:48 PM)


Haha i think they needa reprint. honestly though reprint it as another card, its actually pretty cool. if you draw extra, you dont get card advantage
Posted By: Omenchild (6/7/2010 11:20:51 PM)


It seems a lot of people have no idea how this card truly works. You can use it in a dicard/mill deck to force draw (and then subsequent milling) once their hand is empty. I choose to use it in a Megrim deck to take advantage of cards like Prosperity. If you couple this with cards like Howling Mine and Underworld Dreams , you can most often kill people during their draw phase or upkeep. Put that in your Memory Jar and smoke it!
Posted By: HzUnder20 (7/21/2010 11:56:55 AM)


So, after your first draw in your draw phase, when you should draw, you need to discard for, then draw. if you can't discard, then you mill a card and don't get to draw. sounds right.
Posted By: shameless360 (8/1/2010 1:09:19 AM)


the original wording: "every time a player draws a card, that player must first discard a card from his or her hand. if there are no cards in player's hand, take top card from library and place it in the graveyard instead of drawing. this enchantment does not apply to the first card drawn by a player during the draw phase."

while this could be broken, i guess it can't replace the draw effect from itself.

it is however rather handy with Compulsive Research, Forget, Reckless schoolar, Vendilion Clique and witsfull thinking. using it as discard instead of just waiting for the opponent to draw two cards.
Posted By: theis999 (9/10/2010 3:06:49 PM)


i think this card is pretty cool, if i understand it right. love the picture
Posted By: vomitron6000 (6/16/2010 8:33:34 PM)


basically reads: "draw spells have no effect"
Posted By: mkniffen (6/16/2010 10:52:59 PM)


OMG. How have I not heard of this card before? Its insane. Once they have no cards... they never ever get another. Period. End of story. For 2 mana. OMG.
Posted By: Seeking_Alpha (1/11/2013 4:06:45 PM)


It just gets worse the second two of them are in play.
Posted By: SentByHim (11/28/2009 10:45:39 AM)


the oracle text is WRONG. as it's worded, it says anytime you would draw a card that's not your normal draw, instead discard your hand and mill one card.
It needs a qualifier that it doesn't effect card draws caused by this card.
Posted By: littlebeast (4/2/2010 10:09:59 PM)


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