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Community Rating: 4.638 / 5  (178 votes)
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So I just built a Blue, Red, Black deck. I have Nicol Bolas, Planeswalker, Tezzeret, Agent of Bolas, Liliana Vess, and Sarkhan the Mad. I think I'll get a play set of these instead of Demonic Tutor and I'll take out my Augur of Bolas. Anyway, combo Lim-Dul's Vault with Sarkhan's draw ability to get around the downside of not being able to draw. It might kill him, but if you're running these colors, you should know that Nicol Bolas gives power to those who will abuse it most.
Posted By: Cygore (7/16/2013 9:21:01 AM)


The best part is, it's a 2 CMC INSTANT. You cast it at the end of their turn. You can even put it on an Isochron Scepter. Gorgeous.
Posted By: NARFNra (9/8/2013 10:56:58 AM)


"Start your turn with MIrror Universe in play. During your upkeep, play this card and pay all of your life but 1."

Or better yet, start your turn with Near-Death Experience and use Lim-Dul's Vault while the trigger is on the stack.
Posted By: Kragash (10/18/2013 9:14:45 AM)


It's impossible to deny that this card is powerful but it's also the kind of card I don't like, especially in EDH where I'm seeing it crop up a fair bit.

It just slows down the game having everyone wait while you sort through that many cards, deciding if you should throw them on the bottom or how you want to sort them. It's a solitaire kind of card, and that's not what, at least amongst my friends, EDH is about. I would always prefer a Fact or Fiction effect over this in that format, if only for the interaction.
Posted By: Pinto331 (10/20/2013 8:32:28 PM)


It's like a super Index that sets up your win condition. A WINdex, if you will.
Posted By: Pimpingmydeck (10/25/2013 11:05:37 AM)


Here is a link for how to explain how much life it takes, and how you are going to tutor any five cards that you want:

If there are 49 cards left in your library, it takes, at most, 160 life to tutor any five cards that you want. make sure you don't try this with 50 cards left!
Posted By: kiseki (5/6/2014 2:12:16 PM)


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