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Usable, but not great. I wish they had saved such a hard-hitting name for a more important card.
Posted By: Kirbster (10/10/2013 12:18:22 PM)


It's one of the few useful non-"enchant creature" enchantments for {W} or less.

These enchantments go a long way to making a Serra's Sanctum deck actually playable. Not as broken as his cousin, but playable. Unfortunately, as I just pointed out, this is outclassed by other cheap white enchantments. I would, however, consider running one or two of this in a {U}/{W} manland deck, with Teferi's Response being the playset of counters.
Posted By: MacBizzle (12/4/2013 12:42:36 AM)


@deworde2510: Current oracle wording is fine. You can target any spell, and if, at the time of the Equinox ability's resolution, that target spell resolving would cause a land to be destroyed, it is countered. The infinite loop described would not happen, because the evaluation of whether the spell should be countered only happens once.

As for the card itself, it belongs in the sideboard if your metagame somehow calls for it. Otherwise, to the museum!
Posted By: Mainstay (4/26/2014 12:55:30 PM)


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