Wow. Legends, huh?
Posted By:
(4/12/2010 8:22:58 AM)
heh, ass is filtered, as in massvive Damage...
Hrrrm, does it really work that way? Im gonna ask in the forums...
Posted By:
(4/12/2010 12:05:02 PM)
This helps buff your creature up to help it survive multiple blockers or attackers.
Posted By:
(9/2/2010 4:16:45 PM)
It's too bad they used up such an awesome card name on this; I'd more imagine something named Infinite Authority to have a powerful effect.
Posted By:
(9/15/2011 1:06:23 AM)
Understand that this card was made for Lure and insta-buffing.
Posted By:
(11/16/2011 3:59:08 PM)
Am i seriously the first to realize that this card has a typo? "...for each creaeture destroyed in this manner..."
Posted By:
(1/13/2013 1:52:20 PM)
Black Knight: AIEEEEEEE!!!! *dies*
Mistmeadow Skulk: Whoa. Does that Jesus-lookin' dude that knight blocked last turn really have infinite authority?
Darksteel Myr: Nah. I've fought him a couple times. Didn't get a scratch.
Mistmeadow Skulk: Sweet, I got this. *blocks* ... but what happened to that knight dude, then? He had protection too!
Darksteel Myr: Protection won't help; the rules for 'protection' don't make a damn bit of sense. You need to be indestructible.
Mistmeadow Skulk: Man, sucks to be that dude. WAIT OH SHI-- *dies*
Darksteel Myr: *walks away, whistling*
Posted By:
(1/17/2013 11:24:19 PM)
This card is not THAT bad, the WWW cost just makes it annoying and expensive. It gets props for being old school, unique and the art is kinda cool. If you want to use this card, it is probably best played on something like a Taunting Elf and then throw down a Fog or Holy Day to see that your Elf survies the encounter.
Posted By:
(3/7/2013 5:08:38 PM)