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Community Rating: 2.297 / 5  (32 votes)
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What kind of idiot puts creatures without rampage in their decks? The card is worthless.
Posted By: SarcasmElemental (9/25/2013 9:14:19 PM)


Combo's with Storm Crow to give him ramage 2!

Posted By: Pontiac (3/23/2011 11:35:31 AM)


well, its the only card in the game capable of giveing a creature without rampage rampage, so i guess its usefull..... but if you plan to combo with it just use creatures with rampage and give it lure and death touch.
Posted By: bijart_dauth (2/25/2011 2:12:19 PM)


art looks like something i would've drawn during highschool at the back of my notebook when im bored with the teacher's lecture..
but still, it has a classic appeal to it that makes me miss the good old days of magic..
respect to justin hampton..
Posted By: zenitramleirdag (1/7/2013 3:56:01 AM)


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