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I love the old wording. "This POWER may only be used during your turn." Playable, in Grixis colors, and nice in EDH decks.
Posted By: Equinox523 (6/7/2011 10:56:01 AM)


use with Handcuffs. your opponent will go o.O for about 5 straight minutes at the flavortext! xD

alternatively, just use with handcuffs. ;)
Posted By: DarthParallax (8/16/2011 12:26:20 PM)


Random discard is fantastic, 3/5 is solid for 4CMC (all colored across 3 colors usually warrants more but this is Legends) and Rogue is a relevant creature type in two of those three colors.
Posted By: Tynansdtm (2/24/2012 8:59:39 PM)


sexy lady
Posted By: Fitchen_Kinks (7/11/2010 3:59:41 PM)


you're paying the same mana to activate the effect 1 turn earlier, it's not at random, and someone's going to Shatter it for the same mana as terminate. I really place a lot more faith in a high toughness creature with black in its mana cost, than an artifact. That and she probably uses that scepter... to make people discard cards... yeah
Posted By: Snafinturtle (2/16/2011 9:35:14 PM)


That's quite a "power" she has, but only during your turn?
Posted By: SolacePlease (5/4/2009 9:50:46 PM)


you people are weird. there are tons of awesome cards in legends.

This card actually isnt all that useful in play. By the time she comes out, youve ordinarily emptied their hand already if youre playing with hymn to tourach, mind twist, etc. At that point your opponent is usually casting everything they get for fear of more discard. She's also bait for any and all removal. I prefer hypnotic specter. She doubles as a beater, though. Thats nice.
Posted By: gasimakos1 (5/22/2011 12:44:52 AM)


Use with Earthbind, a rubbish combo but the imagery will definately get noticed.
Posted By: Concerned_Bystander (9/23/2011 2:23:30 AM)


good but ill play scepter of fugue instead..ok i keep paying turn after turn but he cant be terminated
and i can stick with just black

@Snafinturtle right not random at the scepter but cmom you really need random discard at random after you got 3 colours of lands and 4 mana?
and is far more usual creature removal
i cant discuss much about any removal its just not fair since all can be removed
but you cant deny that mono black is far better at discard than RBU
Posted By: Szentekkel (12/20/2011 6:49:17 AM)


I'd LOVE to make an EDH deck with her, but the $20 price point is a little mean. WHY!?
Posted By: GrandAdmiralThrawn89 (12/28/2011 1:44:22 AM)


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