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Cute, some sort of white Wood Elves.
Cards like Tithe or Gift of Estates already show that white has some skill in fetching at least Planes, yet this is the very first creature to do so.

And of course, in Landfallen Zendikar, it's even better.
Posted By: Mode (9/25/2009 4:33:38 PM)


The best comparison in Standard is Knight of the White Orchid. Half the cmc, fetches untapped, has first strike. The only real downsides are conditional fetching and its non-Kor creature types. Still not a bad card, and definitely not strictly worse than Borderland Ranger, like people seem to think. It seems Wizards are pushing mana acc in white, and why not?
Posted By: Rainyday2012 (10/19/2009 3:50:06 PM)


very close to being strictly worse than Solemn simulacrum, but fetches Ravnica lands
Posted By: Kryptnyt (3/29/2010 2:21:49 AM)


this is a nice card, especially if you are doing a white weenie, this can both pump out another land and make a chump block, and in draft, this + landbind ritual + Emeria Sky Ruin, lots of life and you can revive this guy after a chump block, and it will also help to thin out the lands, 4/5 only missing 1 because of the 4 cost, it is a bit high, but it is still a nice piece

Posted By: Dingo777 (10/19/2009 10:23:05 PM)


while it is one more expensive to play the difference is that it goes onto the battlefield rather than ur hand which would allow for some landfall cards to get its abilty twice rather than just once from a single land play a turn
Posted By: Duffey (11/12/2009 2:19:41 PM)


Compare to Ondu Giant, which costs the same, has two more toughness, and allows you to choose any basic land.
Posted By: achilleselbow (5/2/2010 6:19:59 PM)


@ZEvilMustache: It's not worse at all. This creature actually puts the land you searched for onto the battlefield. And I'm sure white needs land fetching much more than green does, obviously.
Posted By: Blackworm_Bloodworm (11/8/2010 8:23:10 PM)


"homelands forgotten" haha, nice one Wizards
Posted By: Juicebox360 (3/25/2012 11:10:31 PM)


Return to Homelands? Really?
Posted By: adrian.malacoda (7/2/2012 1:56:26 AM)


Keep in mind that fetching land is not really white's flavor, which is why most of the cards that allow it to draw Plains either require your opponent to have more land on the battlefield than you or only put Plains into your hand. This card puts a tapped Plains into the battlefield. This is a significant effect for white, which I believe is why the card costs more to cast than some of green creatures that do the same thing.
Posted By: ClowWizardEriol (9/29/2009 7:17:56 PM)


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