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Can I just say? Full Transcendent Master + This = 9, 18, 36, 72, oh, you scooped?
Posted By: Shieldman (6/19/2010 11:35:46 AM)


I give this card 4/5. If used properly, you can use this card to make a white weenie/lifegain deck stay in the game much longer than if would be able to with out it. My favorite combo with this card is Wall of Reverence and Ajani's Pridemate. If you have your pridemate out for a few turns before you get your Cradle,(which you probably will) then you can assume he is at least a 5/5 by then. (that should hold true even in a slow life gain deck) Then your cradle will just feed off of your wall of reverence and you can effectively double the attack of your pridemate.(or any other cards you might have in a deck like that, like a knight of meadowgrain) Because you can add so much fire power to your small weenies, they wont get run over by someone running a control deck with big drops in it. You can survive into turn 10 and beyond without losing your advantage. Great card, but only usable in certain deck types.
Posted By: kidpokerpro (8/23/2011 6:24:45 AM)


Huh. Interesting. So if my 13/13 double-strike Divinity of Pride (with Light from Within and Battle Mastery) deals its first strike damage and I pay 1W, it suddenly doubles in power. Amusing!
Posted By: Belz_ (10/24/2009 6:17:46 PM)


Great synergy with Wall of Reverence, even outside of life gain decks. You could double a creeatures P/T for 1W, or give your small guys a boost.
Posted By: SocialExperiment (11/6/2009 2:27:39 PM)


Very underrated card - though of course, you need to have some way to gain life to use it at all. I've recently built my own version of the monowhite control deck with a lifegaining theme (good thing those Baneslayers have lifelink!), and Cradle is one of my most potent weapons. It combos very well with Wall of Reverence, as each counter you put on a creature means you get potentially more health at the end of the turn, which then leads to more potential counters. It also works well with Baneslayer - 5 damage to the opponent, 5 life for you, and 5 extra power and toughness for next turn for higher health gains.

Essentially, it's just another win condition you can put in a deck with a few forms of life gain.
Posted By: JaxsonBateman (11/17/2009 2:04:22 AM)


robinhood3000, actually it is not a flawed but he must have other, power of 5-9, creatures to top it off and wait for his next turn to gain ten life and in-order the cradle's effect to work.
Posted By: Turrick (12/4/2009 12:17:18 AM)


Yeah this card is nuts with celestial mantle.. you double your life then pay 2 mana to add all that in counters to your creatures. One pride of the clouds or an unblockable phantom warrior with celestial mantle attached = all your creatures became massive in one turn. Also really nuts with ajani vengeant, felidar sovereign, and nissa revane. Nissa particularly, you put a bunch of elves in play, then gain life from your elves, and use the cradle of vitality to make all your elves big.

I like how this card is simple yet is a great card to build decks around. As noted elsewhere if you can get a creature to 10 power tied with mayael's aria it gives +10 counters to any creature per turn if you spend 2 mana. It's also not broken in the sense that you have to at least be gaining life for it to work, or it simply doesn't do anything.
Posted By: Donovan_Fabian (12/4/2009 11:44:10 PM)


Devastating with Wall of Reverence. It creates a killer geometric loop. Combine this loop with Woolly Thoctar or something to kick start the loop and you will have enormous creatures in no time.
(Woolly starts 5/4, end of turn gain 5 life woolly becomes 10:9, gain 10 life, woolly 20:19... etc)

Personally I really like using Martyr of Sands to create a huge boost to one of my creatures for 2W.
Have a birds, martyr and cradle out and seven white cards in hand. Sac martyr turn birds into 21/22 flyer and gain 21 life.

Posted By: Catmurderer (12/8/2009 12:09:13 PM)


3, because I like cards that turn life gain into offensive power.
Posted By: Stray_Dog (2/10/2010 7:39:19 PM)


This and Wall of Reverence mean you can effectively double the size of any creature every turn. A bit costly, perhaps, but I think this would be fun to put in a Modular deck, no?
Posted By: Kweane (2/22/2010 8:40:36 AM)


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