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Anything that can spout tons of tokens is good with this thing. Ant queen, Mycoloth, Living hive, etc. add in doubling season and your opponents will all die painfully.
Posted By: froggytherock (5/5/2010 1:07:45 PM)


@ asinine-ultimatum: What a stupid reason to hate this card, you shouldn't have to stop pounding ppl's faces with this card just b/c they whine like babies. I mean, what game do they think they're playing, Pokemon? lol I'd probably still get satisfaction just from knowing they weren't good enough to survive the "stampede".

I think this card kinda further builds on Overrun, considering even with the power boost from overrun, stuff from say Naya or just plain boosted up creatures could still deal with some of them, even if combat ends in a trade or worse. This ultimatum gives an extra +2/+2 over Overrun, and eliminates the possibilities of a trade-off with the first strike, all the while if your opponent somehow survives and/or still has creatures to attack you with, say if you went all out on them, then with the lifelink, you will most likely have a sizable life advantage to where you can't just get killed off next few turns, all the while tram... (see all)
Posted By: The_Somnambulist (6/2/2009 9:24:40 PM)


Assuming you stick the setup, it's only problem with this card is that, in multiplayer, the attacked opponents can scoop and prevent you from gaining the obscene amounts of life. The anti-lifelink spite scoop should be against the rules...
Posted By: izzet_guild_mage (12/31/2009 10:56:19 PM)


If you play this and manage to lose, get out of my house.
Posted By: IndianaWalsh (12/6/2010 6:00:23 PM)


Overrun is a great finisher too, but this card is better in two formats:

1: Shards Block Limited (there is no Overrun!)
B: Multiplayer. Destroy one opponent and double or triple your life. Yessir!
Posted By: DyadyaIstvan (7/14/2009 2:41:38 AM)


Titanic Ult.?!? Meet Fog...
Posted By: Mprime818 (6/16/2010 11:08:06 AM)


I like how the rules say "multiple instances of first strike and trample are redundant"... twice
Posted By: personjerry (3/2/2010 7:11:03 PM)


Insult: Fog

Insult to Injury: Fog + Sunblast Angel
Posted By: Kazabet (11/23/2010 7:37:13 AM)


Watch out for fog. Other than that you win. Stupid fog...
Posted By: TPmanW (1/19/2011 11:56:51 PM)


If the opponent has no counterspell up his sleeve, or some way to prevent all damage, such as Angelsong, he is dead, plain and simple. This baby can turn a Wild Nacatl into a beast that puts Godsire to shame. Just tap the enemy creatures in EOT step with a Naya Charm then go wild.
Forest > Wild Nacatl > Plains > Druid of the Anima > Mountain > Knotvine Mystic > Forest > tap everything for mana > Ultimatum and attack with a 8/8 Wild Nacatl with FS, trample and Lifelink in turn 4.
Posted By: MiniWraith (1/3/2010 4:34:54 AM)


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