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Elspeth is probably my favorite Planeswalker, although not necessarily for game play reasons. To be honest, it makes me a little happy to see a female knight who doesn't wear the chainmail bikini as a protagonist character, and Elspeth's back story makes her a very sympathetic character. Game play wise, Elspeth is amazing if your opponent doesn't kill her or find another way to remove her from game. Her first ability combos quite nicely with Knight-Captain of Eos, and therefore protects her (or you) from combat damage, and her second ability works great with an Exalted deck. Obviously her final ability is pretty amazing (and would be rather devastating if some manner of board wipe was used afterward). That said, she tends to die a lot. In the group I play with, "Kill Elspeth" is an unwritten rule every time I play her. However, I think she's worth think she's worth the risk, and at a reasonable mana cost, if you have her and have room in an appropriate deck,... (see all)
Posted By: RuthieA (8/10/2009 8:48:50 AM)


Love her, she can bear my children and they would all be 1/1 white soldier tokens.... Have taken my white solider deck to new heights with her.
Posted By: Wweenie (8/28/2010 1:26:19 PM)


Foil'd or not, I like the art on the original printing more than the Dual Decks one.
Posted By: minorfffanatic1 (10/16/2012 12:12:40 AM)


the last ability is epic and so is the art
Posted By: GengilOrbios (7/2/2011 7:37:15 AM)


One of the top 20 best magic cards of all time. Easily one of the top 3 Planeswalkers. Also one of the top 5 best white cards of all time, IMO
Posted By: SgtSwaggr (10/26/2011 6:42:12 PM)


I got a pack of Shards today and pulled an Elspeth today, with an Elspeth foil!! Definitely the most glorious day in my MTG history!
Posted By: EvilCleavage (6/25/2010 3:22:59 PM)


I love this card. I got a chance to use the -8 ability, and the guys I was playing against just gave up as I laughed.
Posted By: Rusty-James (12/12/2009 5:47:29 PM)


I hope "Lights" has an updated Elspeth, it would be a shame for her character to get rotated out so soon. Of course, at the same time can't wait for "Lights" to come out and cycle Alara out so she's actually cheap enough to reasonably purchase.

Spike be damned; I want her for my Bant deck on principle alone (nevermind that she'd make it about a hundred times better.)
Posted By: PhyrexianLobbiest (6/21/2010 8:25:31 PM)


I'm not sure if you people are understanding the full ramifications of indestructibility. In terms of elspeth's final ability, giving all of your permanents (except planeswalkers) indestructibility is far more useful than you make it out to be. In terms of artifacts, enchantments, and lands, there are next to no spells that can remove one from the game, the vast majority will say destroy target artifact, enchantment, land. These are now impervious to all of those effects. Where it really shines is with your creatures however. Not only can they not be destroyed by targeted destruction spells, but they cannot be hit by boardwide sweeps like wrath of god. Also, they cannot be destroyed by lethal damage. That means that burn spells have no effect, volcanic fallout does absolutely nothing, and no creature can ever kill them in combat. each of your creatures can now chump block forever without dying, and your horde of white weenies has nothing to fear from larger creatures. A definite game-w... (see all)
Posted By: Grimn777 (7/30/2009 12:07:52 PM)


And now, instead of just relying on people to know that she's conferring a characteristic to everything you play for the rest of the game, we get an "emblem." Hurray for rules-headache corner cases!
Posted By: ratchet1215 (7/14/2010 2:16:04 AM)


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