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PhyrexianLobbiest are you talking about Scars of Mirrodin? On Facebook, MTG Mint Card has the spoiler for the new Elspeth. The new one is amazing.The new one's ultimate destroys everything but lands and tokens!

Elspeth Tirel
+2 You gain 1 life for each creature you control
-2 Put three 1/1 White soilder tokens onto the battlefield
-5 Destroy all other permanents except for lands and tokens
Starting loyalty 4
Posted By: NecroticNobody (9/8/2010 8:45:40 PM)


She is my most favorite out of all the Planeswalkers newly printed. The moment I saw her I knew I had to have her in my deck.

The unique thing about Elspeth is that she doesn't follow the standard ability chart that all the rest do:
+X: Do something, -X: Do something different, -BIGX: Do something big that has synergy with the +X ability.
She has TWO +1 abilities that offer two very different, but very good effects.

Her first is to poop out a soldier baby. People attack Elspeth's quality by saying she's a crappy Bitterblossom . . . yeah. This effect is not as good, per sey . . . it does give you a 1/1 but it doesn't fly like those cute little faerie babies. But unlike Bitterblossom it doesn't cost life (many a Fae player's downfall) and it's not the only effect she wields.

I actually use her second ability far more than I use her baby making potential. Giving a +3/+3 boost to a Knight of Meadowgrain and the... (see all)
Posted By: Queen_of_the_Fae (2/12/2009 6:58:57 PM)


From WotC's explanation of the new "Emblem" rules, it looks like WotC want to create more abilities like Elspeth's final ability. To quote Mark Gottlieb; "This ability works the way it does because the buff it's granting happens to be indestructability, and indestructability is weird." "Anyway, Elspeth is fine, but what if we wanted to do the same kind of ability that granted flying? Or +2/+2? Or shroud? ... It'd work very differently even though it was worded just like Elspeth."
Posted By: A3Kitsune (7/14/2010 4:10:49 AM)


Elspeth is brilliant, but can't be relied upon to save you from fliers! I learnt this last Friday. 'You can have all the indestructible creatures you want,' my opponent chuckled, as Sarkhan Vol powered up to unleash 5 dragons.

I died the turn after.
Posted By: Bezman (11/12/2008 9:17:56 AM)


A great card, but summoning her makes her a big target.
A deck with a good set of Walls and High toughness creatures would work well with her, but there are always ways past defenses.
-'Valor Made Real'- would work very well with her Solider tokens, though trample will get through.
Getting her to 8 could greatly shift a battle in your favor is great, but normally she ends up as a great distraction.
Posted By: Allikiza (9/13/2009 5:27:37 PM)


o man I wish had an Elspeth
Posted By: Smilezilla (2/17/2010 9:34:55 PM)


Low mana cost, very good starting loyalty, creates blockers to protect herself, can give evassion to a creature and pump it, all in all an excellent planeswalker, too bad her ultimate is not so good, but overall is probably the best pw out there.

And that's a problem too. Being too good and not being reprinted is an issue, that makes this the most expensive planeswalker, many of the others have been on duel decks to supply the demand but this one haven't, wizards must do something, or are they doing this to keep Alara cycle being sold? Mmm probably, but as the kor tribe is growing strong on zen block it will do nothing but make this more valuable.
Posted By: BelloAbril (1/3/2010 10:13:02 PM)


this is the only permanent that can make enchantments indestructible... goddamnit!
Posted By: Renegade_Punk (2/18/2012 10:35:05 AM)


@Shoe2: Hard to remove a planeswalker? Green can attack a planeswalker with big creatures that have trample, or indestructibility, or are unblockable. Blue has counterspells. Black has vampiric spells. Red has burn spells. The only deck that might have troubles removing a planeswalker is white. White has plenty of inexpensive fliers, so you could potentially kill a planeswalker with a flock of birds, but other than that, I'd say the best you could use from white would be something like a Faith's Fetters or some kind of removal spell, at which white is notoriously good. In my experience playing with and against planeswalkers, they don't stay on the board very long.
Posted By: trancebam (5/21/2009 2:25:16 AM)


Elspeth is a good card, a little broken if you ask me, but I will say that about all planeswalkers. I eventually will come to terms with a new card type, but right now, its hard for some of the colors to remove a Planeswalker.
Posted By: Shoe2 (11/19/2008 2:16:33 PM)


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