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This is the HIGHEST costing Planeswalker (not cc, but $$).Was looking her up, and was astonished at the 35 dollar price tag. lol!
Posted By: RyanFisher (12/7/2009 10:28:04 PM)


As others have said, if your opponent plays with Elspeth, Empryical Archangel combo then its an infinite loop of doom

Not a day ago my buddy deck me with that combo. I ran a Naya deck with Spearbreaker, Godsire, a 22/17 flying Wholly Thoctor with indestructible (Shield of Oversoul), and essentially he couldnt hit me with his little angels but I couldnt do damage. :'( Damn white decks
Posted By: SkinnyO (1/15/2009 10:46:39 PM)


Elspeth is one of the best planeswalkers printed so far in terms of playability in the eternal formats. In dedicated control or prison decks, Elspeth is one of the best win conditions to be printed in a very long time. Given her current usage and possible future usage, I highly suggest trading for or buying a play set as soon as possible.
Posted By: INeverDidLikeType2 (2/27/2009 11:52:30 AM)


What if we use her last ability & use destroy all lands/creatures,etc. ability to affect other players only, is that possible? if it is, this ability is simply outstanding.i know this card might lose ground if you play it one on one against other planeswalkers, but i thought dats the nature of white cards, it supports you.
Posted By: maxian (2/5/2009 11:00:01 AM)


Bezman: You have a good point, but all know that the perfect card not exist.

I think that Elspeth is just amazing, not win alone the game, but in the right hands she complicate the game for our aponnet andi defen her self alony in the same time that she is gain more and more loyaty couters, is perfect?, not, but she´s good? yes, very very good.

Elspeth me parece simplemente sorprendente, claro no gana las partidas por si sola, pero en las manos correctas no solo le conplica las cosas a el rival si no que se mientras lo hace se defiende sola y sigue ganado contadores siempre. claro si la pregunta es si es perfecta, pues creo que no lo es pero si la pregunta es si es buena la verdad creo que vaya que si lo es.

Hello to everybody!!!.

Saludos a todos!!!.
Posted By: Eclir (11/14/2008 12:37:29 AM)


Gideon Jura: ROAR! I'm an indestructible 6/6!

Elspeth Tirel: Awesome. But FYI, when you're not a creature, you're the only thing on this side of the battlefield besides myself that isn't indestructible.

Gideon Jura: ... you went ... ultimate?

Elspeth Tirel: Indeed, I did.

Gideon Jura: ...I wish I could do that.

Elspeth Tirel: You know, now that our army of soldiers is indestructible, you could lure the enemy's field of creatures over here for a very ill-advised tap-down assault...

Gideon Jura: *cracks knuckles*

Elspeth Tirel: *raises sword* Alright, I've got your back.

Gideon Jura: Let's do this.
Posted By: Salient (8/31/2011 8:59:22 PM)


Awesome! I pulled Elspeth during a prerelease tournament. My first planeswalker ever and it had to be the best.
Posted By: abochavez (5/3/2009 9:13:41 PM)


The only trouble with her is that she has no minus ability (Ultimate ability dose not count)

With Jace, or perhaps Liliana, you can sit there and alternate between using their plus and minus abilities letting their points linger in the low numbers. Thus, no one is really afraid of them and they let them sit. With her, as soon as she lands on the field there is one direction those points can go. That, combined with her ultimate ability, will post a massive target on her forehead the moment she lands.

Base: ***
Fantastic tricks: +*
She's gonna die: -*/2
Posted By: Zoah (5/2/2010 3:14:55 AM)


Elspeth is my favorite magic card ever printed. ( I started magic when Visions was released.)

At 4 mana it fits nicely into a 20 to 26 Land Deck and offers defence and offence with out the draw back of removing counters.

By your opponent hitting Elspeth it is acting like life gain too.

Although Elspeth does get countered and dies to flyer's, burn, Trample, O-ring, discard and the almightly pithing needle .

Honestly Guark is a better planeswalker but I still prefer Elspeth.

Furthermore, I have never yet played a game where I got the ultimate ability to go off.

Every white deck should run 2 Elspeth's.
Posted By: dmanick (1/16/2009 4:17:34 PM)


all white sodier deck ??????
Posted By: mad666junglist (5/1/2009 9:25:26 PM)


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