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too many words
Posted By: chaosjuggler (5/9/2009 7:34:03 PM)


Thing is if you can get her to be indestrudable and alive
she will BE OWNAGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted By: XxPainxX (10/11/2009 2:27:08 PM)


I just got 2 foil Elspeths as I was quitting Magic. Needless to say, I didn't end up quitting. Elspeth is my favourite card, and a lot of people in my local gaming community underestimated her, ranking her below Sarkhan Vol. After I built a Knight deck with her in it and started winning FNM tournaments, people changed their tune.

If anyone wants the deck list, please PM me, I'm on the forums pretty often.
Posted By: gongshowninja (3/15/2010 8:30:48 AM)


I must get this for my lifegain deck
Posted By: Zendikar0611 (4/7/2010 8:59:52 AM)


So, clarify something for me. Indestructible, on creatures, prevents global killers like wrath of god? Is it the same for global land killers and artifact killers too? I was under the impression that "Indestructible" only protected from direct targeting destroy effects and lethal damage. Can somebody clarify this for me, because I really need a direct, straight answer.
Posted By: Zero001349 (10/29/2011 12:27:30 PM)


@Tabiwasan: indestructability precludes a permanent that has it from also being destroyed by lethal damage, which I believe is what you're getting at. If you deal 100 damage to an indestructable creature, it'll just bounce off. However, you can still exile indestructable creatures so that's something to consider.

In terms of Elspeth, she has great potential but rarely ever sees it. Two of my friends have her in their main decks, but as I like to point out in every game she's not a big fan of the ol' Scourglass play.

In any case, if you want to include her in a deck for anything beyond making chump blockers and giving troops temporary boosts (which works pretty well in an exalted deck), don't play her until you can adequately protect her from both creatures and spells. 4 turns is an eternity if the game isn't already beyond doubt.
Posted By: JaxsonBateman (10/20/2009 5:10:01 AM)


Absolutely love this card. Imagine the last ability with palace guard. You wouldn't need any other cards to block with.
Posted By: U-caster (11/2/2009 2:03:59 PM)


I want her... but first, I want Ajani Goldmane
Posted By: Neutralion (11/3/2009 8:05:50 AM)


Her in a soldier damage preventing deck is the best way to go I think. 1/1 weenies who prevent damage to her and you become meanies when they are invincible. One of my favorite Planeswalkers.
Posted By: benlivinmusic (11/11/2009 5:32:40 PM)


She is a nice token maker for poly morph, especially when you can pump +3/+3 flying next turn on whatever you got, something like a rafiq would be good, it is a 8/8 flying DS, + what other exalted you get going, battle grace, finest hour, angelic benediction

but she has other uses, any deck that can make WW+2 will be able to make a use out of her
Posted By: Dingo777 (11/12/2009 9:55:14 PM)


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