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I run this guy in my black genesis chamber deck. It's actually better to wait until you get a Disciple of the Vault and a Blood artist out. You can get him out, gan three life, they lose 6, and you get a (sorta) fattie for no mana.
Posted By: CptStormCrow (4/25/2013 3:58:15 AM)


Sac three creatures for a 6/4? That's AWESOME. And he just keeps coming back...
Posted By: NARFNra (6/18/2013 12:05:00 AM)


Just think, a few Memnites and Ornithopters allows you to play this guy on turn 1.
Posted By: Manite (7/29/2013 1:38:53 PM)


6/4 for 0? Sign me up!
Posted By: TheWrathofShane (1/25/2014 1:16:28 PM)


Also goes well with Myr Battlesphere, Myr Turbine, and other token myr cards. Perilous Myr and others that provide card advantage when they die can work getting him out T3-T4 while costing you basically nothing.

Precursor Golem can be good too if you add some flicker effects. Eat the spare golems; then flicker him to get them back. It has all the advantages of the flicker effects normally would; except that it resets your entire board and reproduces the tokens.
Posted By: blurrymadness (2/12/2014 11:21:30 AM)


Basically in the deck I built around this he reads: "You have 3 turns to exile this creature or you lose the game."

Works wonders with all the Zero artifact drops but especially welding jar

Posted By: Black-Blue (5/26/2014 10:52:56 AM)


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