Sorcery-speed removal = bad removal = this.
Posted By:
(4/25/2009 8:20:55 AM)
MasterOfEtherium calling me a horrible player...
I would have to cut the hypocrisy with a steak knife.
Posted By:
(4/14/2011 2:21:41 AM)
As mentioned by others, great with Abyssal Persecutor. I'm not sure about it otherwise because you lose card advantage, but sometimes getting rid of a pesky creature is more important than card advantage.
Posted By:
(9/24/2010 2:09:32 PM)
A single use Attrition. Except Attrition can only target nonblack creatures.
Posted By:
(7/12/2011 1:45:39 PM)
Not many people have mentioned the great synergy it has with Unearted creatures.
Posted By:
(8/6/2013 10:47:13 AM)